

On Tuesday members enjoyed a practical night on Studio Photography, led by members Will Peat, John Aldred and Steve Gauld. All three provided the necessary equipment and then, taking participants in turn, instructed them on their camera and flash settings and demonstrated how to set the lights up. Steve (the good looking one) stood in as model so he was well photographed by many members over the course of the evening.
Due to the success of the evening it is hoped to repeat it in the near future.
Many thanks to Will, John and Steve for their input.
Next Tuesday we can view the acceptances in last years SPF Portfolio.



On Tuesday member Will Peat gave another very interesting and informative presentation on Focusing. This talk was proposed by Will following some recent comments on members images where the sharpness had been commented on as being less than perfect.
Will outlined the various options on new and older cameras relative to the various focus settings and methods available and this proved helpful particularly to some of the less experienced members in the club.
Will's own favourite genre in photography is wildlife and in particular wild birds. In his presentation he showed several images of goldfinches squabbling at and near a bird feeder and stressed the need for the use of continuous focusing and fast shutter speeds.
Next week we have a practical evening on Studio Photography so feel free to bring your camera or volunteer as a model.



On Tuesday we enjoyed an excellent presentation on 'Shutter Speeds' given by member Will Peat.
Will described the importance of the selection of the shutter speed as part of the 'Exposure Triangle' to produce a correctly exposed photograph with no burnt out highlights or blocked up shadows.
By using some of his pictures as examples he demonstrated how some pictures such as sport and wildlife required high speeds while others such as landscape or still life may benefit from a slower shutter speed.
Will also discussed how shutter speeds could be used to produce many creative aspects that may help enhance photographs.
Note that Will has agreed to e-mail his presentation notes to you so look out for them.
Next Tuesday is members night so bring along your 'Favourite Photographs You are Proud to Have Taken'.



On Tuesday members welcomed Mrs Libby Smith who gave an excellent presentation titled 'Making More of your Images'.
Libby is a member of Carluke Camera Club and is well known throughout photographic circles in the UK for her hard work with the 'Scottish Photographic Federation' and the 'Photographic Alliance of Great Britain' organisations in which she has won many awards. She is an excellent photographer and is recognized as an expert in photographic editing.
In her presentation she demonstrated, by showing many of her own photographs, the importance of 'Contrast' in an image and how it was a tool to draw the viewers attention into a picture and to the main focal point as the author saw it.
Libby examined a series of photographs from members and demonstrated that be adding contrast, lightening and darkening certain parts of the image, many were greatly improved.
This was greatly appreciated and members at both advanced and novice levels learned something form the presentation.
Next Tuesdays meeting is the second presentation by Will Peat and his subjet is 'Shutter Speeds'.



On Tuesday member Will Peat gave an excellent presentation on the pros and cons of the various 'Camera Modes' in modern day digital cameras. While directed mainly at beginners and novice members the talk proved beneficial to all, prompted a number of questions and led to an interesting discussion on the subject.
Will agreed that his presentation which was done on 'Power Point' could be circulated to all and this has been done. For anyone who doesn't have 'Power Point' and can't open the file Donald has prepared a PDF file which I can forward to anyone who needs it.
Next Tuesday we welcome Libby Smith who will give her presentation 'Making More of Your Images'.



On Tuesday evening the club held the first meeting of the new session, President Bob Arnott welcomed returning members, three guests from Biggar Camera Club and two possible new members both being residents in Lanark.
Following registration the Club Syllabus was presented and discussed and this was followed by discussion on the Club Constitution, and the rules relevant to Club competitions.
The remainder of the evening was spent with members socialising and getting up to date with all club matters.
Next Weeks meeting will be a presentation, prepared by member Will Peat, on 'Camera Modes'.
Please also note that next week is the hand-in deadline for the first of the sessions Projected Digital Image competitions. Four images on any subject of your choosing.



The Club resumed meetings last week and the evening consisted of viewing members Audio Visual Shows. Dave Thompson gave two highly animated shows the first showing the 'Falkirk Wheel' and the second 'Strathaven Balloon Festival'. Norman Sleep followed with a global show with images taken from his various travels. Bob Arnott gave three short shows 'North West Scotland 2023'. 'Rhinns of Galloway. and 'Logan Gardens'.
Next Tuesday we welcome Gavin Forrest who will judge the entries in the 2nd Projected Digital Image competition.
Also note that I have extended the deadline for entries to the next Print competition till next Tuesday.

Meeting on 19th Dec 2924
Merry Christmas to all.


All the feedback I've had on Tuesdays meeting was that it was a great success so thanks to George for leading it so well and making it an enjoyable evening for all.
I have received seven entries for the next PDI competition so if any of you still wish to forward your entry to me please do so as soon as you can in order that I can prepare the full entry and score sheets to send to the judge.
Also please note that the first meeting of the New Year on 9th January, as well as the Audio Visual night, I will be looking for entries to the next Print Competition so plenty for you to think about over the holiday period.
Finally may I wish you, your friends and family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Meeting on 12/12/2023


On Tuesday members welcomed Gaille Gray from Carluke who gave an excellent presentation on her 'Flower Studies' and 'Street Photography', with all her pictures showing her skill in 'The Art of Photography'.
During the presentation of her photographs Gaille described her use of digital software and the methods she uses to complete a picture. Her relaxed delivery made it very interesting and easy to follow.
All of her photographs are works of art and her Street Photography, which is a new genre for her, are some of the best urban landscapes ever seen at the club.
Next Tuesday is the final meetring of the year and will be a 'Quiz Night' led by George assisted by Will. Should be fun.
This was also the night for the hand-in for the next Projected Image competition and as I won't be present please E-mail Bob Arnott your entries ASAP.

Tuesday 5thDecember 1st Print Competition


On Tuesday members welcomed Chris Bonnington from Carluke Camera Club who judged the 1st of the sessions Interim Print Competitions. Chris is an accomplished photographer, a member of the Scottish Photographic Cirlcle, and who has won many awards both locally and nationally. As always his critique was constructive and he offered advice on several prints where he though some improvements could be made.
Robert Wilson won first place in the Colour Section with a lovely picture entitled 'Autumnal Wood'.
Second place was shared by Robert and Bob Arnott with 'Autumn Colour' and 'Evening Light' while third place was won by Will Peat with 'Stag in Barley Field'.
The Monochrome Section was won by Rosemary Leishman with an excellent study of winter trees entitled 'Tree Family'. Bob Arnott was second with 'Moody Kirkyard' and Will Peat took third place with 'Dipper'.
Following his judgement Chris gave a presentation on a number of his more recent prints all of which were excellent in quality and composition and hopefully will inspire members in their future projects.
Next Tuesday we have a presentation by Gail Gray her subjects being Flower Studies and Street Scenes with a difference.
The final meeting of the year will be on Tuesday 19th December when members will take part in a Photographic Quiz.

Meeting on 28/11/23


On Tuesday members took the opportunity to review the entries in the first of the sessions Projected Digital Image competitions and to consider and discuss the comments made by the judge in particular the suggestions he made which in his opinion would improve the image.
Using Adobe Photoshop software the advice given was tried on many of the members images and in most cases it was agreed that the advice had been good.
Members considered this a worthwhile exercise and the authors of the images involved agreed that they had learned something that may help in the future.
Next Tuesday we welcome Chris Bonnington who will judge the first of our Interim Print Competitions.

Meeting on Tuesday 14th November 2023


On Tuesday members welcomed Gavin Forrest who gave an excellent travelogue on a visit he made to Vietnam.
His pictures particularly the street scenes in the capital Hanoi were fantastic and gave a great introduction to the hustle and bustle of a very busy city. Pictures of the people on motor scooters and bikes gave an insight into their way of life, carrying all sorts of produce and goods, to earn their living on the street markets. Many pictures of the people showed that although poor, they appear to be happy and content and show great resilience considering the horrific war many of them experienced. The final part of Gavin's presentation showing monochrome portraits was very inspirational, his pictures expressing the true character of his subjects.

1st Digital Image competition 7/11/2023


On Tuesday members welcomed Cammy Scott from Carluke Camera Club who judged the first of this session's Projected Digital Image competitions. As always Cammy gave an excellent critique with honest and constructive comments and offering advice where he thought his opinion could benefit the author of an image.
First place was won by George Lightbody with a beutifull image of a 'Bearded Tit'.
Two members, Will Peat and again George shared second place. Third place was also shared by Anne Stubbs (2 Images) and Louise Arthur.
Next Tuesday we have a visit from Gavin Forrest who will deliver a talk on his visit to 'Vietnam'.

Meeting on Tuesday 31st October


On Tuesday the club tried something different. Members were asked to submit two images and following projection the audience were asked to make constructive comments offering advice on any improvements they thought necessary.
This was tried to get members to think like judges leaning on the experience they have from listening to visiting judges who come to the club.
Some were a bit shy to start with but following a few projected images more confident members contributed and it was agreed at the end that it was a worthwhile project and will be tried again later in the session.
Next Tuesday we welcome Cammy Scott from Carluke who will judge the first Interim PDI Competition.
Also note that this is the deadline for submissions to the first Interim Print Competition.

Meeting on 24/10/2923


At the start of the meeting the President outlined the interim competition rules as some members were unsure how to approach the competitions. A hand out was given and this, now amended as agreed, is attached to this message.
Following this we watched the first part of the GDPU Image League Competition which was recorded on Zoom in March this year. The competition contained many excellent images and the remainder of the entries will be viewed at a later date in the session.
Next Tuesday we will try something new and members are invited to enter two digital images. These will be projected and individual members will be selected to give comments on the images.
Comments should be constructive.

The club will hold two Interim PDi competitions and two Interim Print competitions. The print competitions will have a colour and a monochrome section. The PDi competition will be judged as one therefore we will have six individual competitions during the session.
All competitions will have an open subject.
Entries to each competition will be limited to four per member.
Judges will be asked to give a monetary score for each entry ranging from 20 points to 14 points. First place will be the entry gaining 20 points. All entries irrespective of the monetary score given by the judge will receive 15 points as a reward for entry to the competition.
Scores will be collated throughout the session and the best four scores received by entrants over the six competitions will decide the overall winner who will be judged the ‘Club Champion’.

Meeting on 17/10/2023


Tuesday was the first of this sessions 'Theme' challenges the subject being 'Bridges'.
This proved to be an easy challenge as 10 members submitted a total of 127 images most of which filled the subject criteria. As always however some members proved to be more creative than others. Proved to be an enjoyable and interesting evening.
Next Tuesday we will view the first part of the recording of the GDPU Image League Final which took place earlier this year.

Meeting on 10/10/2023


On Tuesday, following the hand in for the first Interim PDi Competition members enjoyed an excellent presentation by new members George Lightbody and Will Peat showing images of the wildlife they have photographed recently.
George described his approach to taking each image and explained the camera settings used to achieve correct focus and maintain sufficient depth of field. George also explained the difficulty when using long telephoto lenses relative to camera shake and the inherent reduction in depth of field.
Will concentrated on composition and cropping images. His examples showed how he always included much of the habitat that the subject was photographed in.
This was an excellent presentation enjoyed by all present so thanks to both George and Will for their time and effort in producing the show.
Next week we have the first of this sessions theme evenings the subject being 'Bridges'. Lets have an open discussion and offer comment which may benefit members efforts.

Meeting on 3/10/2023


On Tuesday the subject covered was Print Presentation and Mounting.
President Bob Arnott demonstrated two different ways to mount pictures using the common standard size of mounts used in most camera club competitions.
The first method consisted of mounting a sized print onto a club mount using spray adhesive. This is probably the easier of the two methods
The second method was by cutting a window in the mount using an angled cutter and then mounting the print behind the cut mask created. Thereafter the print is secured by adhesive tape or perhaps a backing board. This method is more time consuming and requires making accurate measurements when cutting the window.
A discussion followed on the merits of both and the current costs of printing and mounting prints.
Next Tuesday is the hand-in night for the first Interim PDI competition. Members may submit up to four images on an open subject. Images can be either colour or monochrome.
Following the hand-in two new members, George Lighbody and Wul Peat, will give a presentation on their approach to wildlife photography and compare the results they achieve when very often taking the same photograph when they are both together.

Meeting on 26/09/2023


On Tuesday we had a Members Night when pictures taken in the recent past can be shown to members for comment. Six members showed a great variety of photographs including landscapes, street scenes, portraits, close-ups, sport and a new member showed an excellent portfolio of photographs of wild birds. Most were all recent images with perhaps a few where the archives had to be searched to make up the numbers. All good fun and an enjoyable viewing.
Next Tuesday we have a discussion and demonstration of Printing and Print Mounting.

Meeting on 18/09/2023


Last week.s topic was basic camera settings and handling.
President Bob Arnott introduced the subject explaining basic camera settings and the balance required between the three main settings 'Apertures' Shutter Speeds' and 'ISO settings' to achieve a well exposed photograph.
Following this members viewed two instructional videos one on Basic Settings and the second on Manual control of the camera.
Hopefully this helped some of the less experienced members to advance with their hobby.
At the start of the meeting Bob was pleased to introduce members to George Lightbody who was visiting the club. George was a member at Lanark in the late 1970's when the club met in an old cottage just off Castlegate and was a very successful photographer.
Next Tuesdays meeting is a Members Night so bring along any photographs you wish to show your fellow members.

AGM 2023


Lanark Camera Club
Minutes of 2022 AGM held at 07:30pm on Tuesday 19th at Greyfriars Parish Church Lanark ...more

Anual Competition 2023


Hi All,
On Tuesday the club held its Annual Competitions for Prints and Projected Digital Images.
The judge this year was David Ferguson, LRPS a member at Falkirk Camera Club and approved by both the SPF and GDPU.
David had obviously spent considerable time assessing all entries and his comments were interesting, constructive and fair and accompanied by advice where he thought might improve some of the photographs.
The Monochrome Print section was won by Norman Sleep with his photograph of the 'Mitchell Library' in Glasgow. Bob Arnott was second with 'Maidens Bay' while 'Lonely' by Anne Stubbs took third place.
The Colour section was won by Bob Arnott with his print 'Spring Grazing'. Robert Wilson was second with 'Tranquility' and third place was 'Red Square' by Anne Stubbs.
The overall Best Print was Norman's Photograph of the Mitchell Library.
The monochrome section in the Projected Image Section was won by Norman Sleep with 'Shipwrecked'. 'I'm Watching You' by Scott Campbell was second while third pace was won by Laura Renfrew with 'Looking Away'.
Scott was the winner in the Projected Image colour section with 'Abstract Waves'. Rosemary Leishman was second with 'Dropped My Lunch' and third place was 'Lonely Waters' also by Scott.
The Image judged the overall winner of the Projected Images was Scott's 'Abstract Waves'.
A well deserved vote of thanks was given to David for the effort he gave in judging the competition.



On Tuesday we had an excellent presentation by Cammy Scott on 'Documentary Photography'.
Cammy's enthusiasm for his subject is obvious and in the past year he has spent considerable time photographing many public demonstrations in Glasgow.
He talked about his time spent getting to know many of the organizers and participants in the demonstrations, earning their respect and trust which enabled him to get very close to his subjects and this was most evident in the photographs he produced. The facial expressions and human activity were well captured and the photographs very interesting to view.
Cammy and his work has now been accepted into a group called Progressive Street Photography, a gang of international photographers whose objective is to show everyday life, real life, without seeking the exceptional and without wanting purely to surprise.

Mike has asked me to seek what interest there is in holding a final dinner as we have done in the past. Partners are welcome to attend.
Please let me know by our next meeting on 11th April if you wish to attend in order that Mike can collate numbers.


21/03/2023 Anual Competitions hand in.


Tuesday was the hand in for the Annual Competitions and we have quite a big entry, 39 Colour PDI's, 10 Monochrome DPI's, 20 Colour Prints and 10 Monochrome Prints.

Following the hand-in Norman gave us an Audio Visual show from his recent short break at Fort William. Norman obviously enjoyed good weather and produced a selection of excellent landscapes. A very good show and no doubt we will see some of his images again at the club.

The evening continued with a viewing of part 1 of a tutorial by Canadian photographer Judy Hancock Holland on suggested building bricks when composing a photograph. Some very useful advice was given and we can look forward to viewing the second part in the near future.

Next Tuesday we welcome Cammy Scott form Carluke who will give his presentation on 'Documentary Photography'. One to look forward to.

Meeting on 14th March 2023


Tuesday saw the final theme evening for the session the subject being ‘Street Geometry’. Going by some of the past comments suggesting this subject would be difficult these proved to be wrong as six members produced a total of 95 images for members to view. Almost all of the images met the theme with many showing the creative skills of several of the participants.
A reminder the next Tuesday is the deadline for submission of entries to the Annual competitions. You may submit up to six prints to the Print competitions and up to six images for the Projected Image competition.

7/03/2022 Anual Print and Projected images Competition


To start with the gloomy news. Last week at the Annual 4 Way Print Battle with Carluke, Motherwell Hamilton and Lanark we were well beaten with the scores as follows-
Carluke - 180 points - Motherwell 168 points - Hamilton 163 points and Lanark 149 points.
We are due to host this competition around March 2024 so we have some improvement to make.
On a brighter note the results of this sessions Internal League Competitions were announced as follows:-
Print League winner was Rosemary Leishman with 57 points over the three competitions. Bob Arnott was runner up with 56 points.
Rosemary also win the Projected Image Competition with 58 points. Robert Wilson was runner up with 55 points.
Congratulations once again to Rosemary who is certainly on a winning streak this session.
The remainder of the evening was spent viewing videos on landscapes at Loch Tummel, Loch Lomond and Ness Glen and one on Street Photography in Glasgow.
Next Tuesday we have a theme evening the subject being 'Street Geography'.
Also note that the dead line for entries to the Annual Competitions is Tuesday 21st March. If you have your entries ready before then feel free to forward them to me anytime.




On Tuesday members welcomed Mr Chris Bonnington who gave an excellent presentation entitled 'A Look Behind Some Recent Images'
In his presentation Chris showed some excellent images and in a step by step way he demonstrated his methods how, using digital software, he processed his images to achieve the final result he wanted.
Also of particular interest was a short video by Chris where he talked through his thoughts at the taking stage of an image and how, even before he took the picture he had an idea what he wanted the final image to look like and how he would process it.

Next Tuesday (7/01/2023) will be informal so should you want to follow up on anything Chris covered we may do so. We may also should you wish view some more of the images from recent GDPU or SPF events.

Meeting on 24/01/2023


Tuesday saw the penultimate theme night this session and the subject was ‘Abstract in Nature’
Due to many hushed comments this was deemed to be a difficult subject with the question ‘what does this mean?’ often asked.
The entry however was excellent with eight members submitting a total of 102 images most of which fitted the theme perfectly.
Next Tuesday we welcome Chris Bonnington back to the club. Chris will give a presentation entitled ‘A Look Behind Some Recent Images’ explaining his thought process at the taking stage followed by his post processing method in software.

Meeting on 10/01/2022


On Tuesday the club had it's Annual Audio Video evening. Unfortunately two members who usually produce shows for the evening were absent due to illness and work.
We did however see four short shows from Bob all from the local Clydesdale area. Bob also gave a brief description of the software he uses.
Following this we viewed two further videos on Street Photography .
Next Tuesdays meeting is on Image improvement so bring along any images you wish help with. We can also view a couple of instructional videos using Photoshop Raw.


Meeting on 13/12/2022


On Tuesday we had a smaller number of members attending due to inclement weather and some other reasons.
We had a look at some of the entries from the previous week's competition and had a discussion about some of the judges comments. Some of the suggestions were demonstrated on Photoshop and most agreed they were relevant.
Following this members viewed a couple of Street Photography videos to fill the remainder of the evening.
Next Tuesday we have a 'Theme' night the subject being 'Seascapes'.

2nd League competition Tuesday 01/02/2022


On Tuesday members welcomed Cameron Scott from Carluke who judged the second Internal League Competition of this session. Following a very interesting and constructive critique from Cammy together with many tips he suggested for entrants to consider the results were as follows.
The Print Section was won by Bob Arnott with his print 'Rain Coming'. Rosemary Leishman's prints took the rest of the top places with 'Sunburst in Woodland' second and 'Autumn Gold' and 'Autumn Reflections' sharing third place.
The Projected Digital Image section was won by Robert Wilson with 'Autumn Colour'. Anne Stubbs and Rosemary Leishman shared second place with 'A Place to Rest' and 'Strong Lady' respectively. Three members shared third place, Rose Leishman with 'Another Rainy day', Scott Campbell with 'I'm Watching You' and Robert Wilson with 'Warrior'.

Next Tuesday is open for discussion and perhaps consider some of the comments from Cammy. let me know should you think of anything else.

Meeting on 29/11/2022


On Tuesday members viewed the final part of the Glasgow and District Photographic Union's recent Portfolio. Once again this consisted of many excellent images. This was followed by a Landscape Tutorial where a Professional Photographer invited four other professionals to critique five of his photographs. The comments and observations, particularly on composition, were very interesting giving members food for thought when taking their own photographs.
Next Tuesday's meeting will be the judging of the second Internal League Competition. We will once again welcome Cammy Scott to hear his critique.

Meeting on 15/11/2022


On Tuesday members showed pictures on the theme 'Woodland'. This proved a popular subject as eight members presented a total of 129 pictures depicting woodland in all different seasons and weathers. The images consisted of general forest views, many showing autumn colours, some close-ups, abstracts and also woodland fungi. Proved to be a very enjoyable evening

We hope to help a couple of members who have asked for some help with image editing. Following this we can view some of the images from the GDPU Digital Portfolio.

Meeting on Tuesday 8th November 2022


On Tuesday following the hand in for the next internal League Competition members viewed the second part of the GDPU Image League Final which was recorded in March. Once again many excellent photographs were seen which hopefully will inspire many of the members. Members particularly enjoyed the comments from the judge, Christine Widdall, a very experienced photographer and judge, which were very helpful and constructive and should be of benefit to the audience.
Next week we have a theme evening the subject being 'Woodland'.

1/11/22 Meeting


On Tuesday members viewed the Top Images from the Scottish Photographic Federation Interim Print Championship. This consisted of many excellent photographs, the work of many of the best amateur photographers from clubs throughout Scotland.
Following this members viewed and discussed some of the images from the first internal competition, taking account of the judges comments. Some of the recommendations were demonstrated and hopefully this will be beneficial to all.
Next Tuesday is the hand-in for the next Internal League Competition. As always should anyone want help on an image or any other photographic subject please ask and hopefully your query can be answered.

Tuesday 25/10/2022 First Round of League


On Tuesday members welcomed Gavin Forrest who judged the first of this sessions Internal League Competitions. Gavin is an accomplished photographer who has gained many awards in national and international competitions. His critique was excellent giving constructive views on all the prints and digital images submitted and offering advice on many points which in his opinion photographs could have been improved. This advice together with his relaxed presentational style was appreciated by the members present.
Unfortunately, only two members entered the Print Section, and this was won by Bob Arnott with his print 'Spring Grazing.
First in the Projected Digital Image section was Scott Campbell with 'Sunset at the Kelpies'. Rosemary Leishman was second with 'Catching Raindrops' and Robert Wilson took third place with 'Horse Play'. Two images, 'Lonely Waters' by Scott Campbell and 'Canoeist' by Dave Thompson were Highly Commended, while ''Passing Strangers' by Anne Stubbs received a commendation.
Next Tuesday we view the Top Images from this year's SPF Interim Print Championship, and possibly consider the image improvements suggested by the judge at this week's League Competition.

Tuesday 18/10/2022


On Tuesday last members watched the first part of the Zoom presentation relative to the final of the GDPU Image League which took place in April. Six clubs took part in the final and the entries were truly inspiring and of exceptional quality. We look forward to the second part soon.
The meeting next Tuesday is the judging of the first Internal League Competition and please note that due to essential Church business we cannot meet at Greyfriars but instead will meet in St Nicholas Church hall in Castlegate. This is situated just beyond the previous Lidl Store on the left hand side as you go down Castlegate from the High Street. We will have use of the small hall and also the kitchen facility. I ask that you attend as early as possible as we have a guest judge joining us.

11/10/2022 Meeting


On Tuesday members viewed the entries on the theme 'Tansport'. This proved a popular subject with 9 members showing over 90 images all of which, it was agreed, were in accordance with the set theme. Although many of the images could be described as simple snapshots many others showed some creative work by the authors and no doubt will be used in further club activity.'

Next Tuesday we will view the images from the GDPU Image League Final which took place earlier in the year. Some great images to view.

4/10/2022 Meeting


Last week was the deadline for the hand in for the first of this sessions internal competitions. Following this members viewed a video from a Photographic Workshop which took place in Iceland earlier this year and many excellent stills and video clips of an active volcano were shown. An excellent show of light and fire demonstrating the power of nature. This was followed by a viewing of two videos on Street Photography.

The meeting next Tuesday will be on the theme 'TRANSPORT'. Bring along your digital files on your take on the subject.

Start of a New Season.....


The first two meetings have consisted of registration, a catch up following the summer break and viewing many of the members holiday photographs.
Last week the President offered congratulations to member Scott Campbell who gained an SPF Bronze medal in the recent SPF Annual Portfolios.
Dave Thompson showed a portfolio titled 'Faces' which consisted of many excellent photographs taken at the Edinburgh Fringe over the past six years. This was followed by a discussion and a viewing of two videos on the subject of does a photographer 'Take' or 'Make' a photograph and what issues arise through the use of digital software.
The club are always seeking new members so if you are interested in photography, no matter what level you may be at, the club will welcome you to come along, see what we have to offer and without any obligation to commit to join.

Please note that on Tuesday first I need your entries for the first League Competition - Up to four Prints and four Digital Images. I have attached a copy of the League Competition rules for your information. We also have a Bring, Buy, Swap planned so bring along any equipment you wish to dispose of.

New Season 1022-23


Our new session starts at the Church on Tuesday 13th September.

tTe new syllabus has been uploaded in so far as I have managed to prepare it.

You will see that we have quite a few nights to fill and your thoughts on what you might like covered would be appreciated.

Also note that the first hand in for the Internal League competition is on 4th October so now is the time to think about and prepare your entries.

Looking forward to seeing you all on opening night.

AGM 17/04/2022


On Tuesday the club held it's AGM for the past session.

Ten members attended apologies having been received from Anne Stubbs, Rosemary Leishman and Billy Gray.

Minutes of the last AGM held on 19th September 2021 were accepted with no outstanding matters arising.

Following reports by both the President and Treasurer office bearers and committee members were duly elected as follows:-

President and Secretary Bob Arnott
Vice President Scott Campbell
Treasurer Mike Kelly
Web Master Billy Gray
Committee Members Anne Stubbs and Robert Wilson

Following a proposal that the rules for both the internal League and Annual competitions be reviewed a discussion followed and the status quo would continue.

The following subjects were raised and agreement reached that they should be included in the syllabus:-

1. More time spent on reviewing and trying out suggested improvements to members images.

2. Some advice on cameras and equipment and how to make best use of what members are using.

Subjects for 'Theme' evenings for next session were discussed and the following chosen:-

Street Geometry
Abstract in Nature

The President thanked all members for their attendance and the continued support they have given the club during the past session.

Meeting on 12/4/2022


Last night we viewed two videos by Nigel Danson identifying common mistakes when taking photographs and advice on composition. We also viewed a video by Kim Grant where she demonstrated finding close-up photographs and the use of 'Intentional Camera Movement' in a woodland park to create many interesting abstract photographs.
The question of the final dinner on Tuesday 26th April was raised and it appears that approximately 15 or perhaps 17 members/partners will be attending. The venue is still hoped to be 'The Inn on the Loch' which we have used in the past.
The President asked members to notify him of any items they wished placed on next Tuesday's Annual General Meeting ASAP.

29/03/2022 - Annual Competition 2022


On Tuesday Mr Hunter Kennedy from Carluke judged the club's Annual competitions.
Hunter who is a very experienced photographer and judge gave an excellent critique on the entries with honest and constructive comments and the advice and suggestions offered which in his opinion could improve some of the photographs was appreciated by the members present.
Bob Arnott won first place in the Monochrome Print section with 'Three Rocks'. Anne Stubbs was runner-up with 'Waiting on a Friend'.
Rosemary Leishman was the winner in the Colour Print section with her print 'Trees in Mist', and she also took second place with her print ''Clyde Arc at Night'. 'Autumn Wood' by Robert Wilson was placed third.
The Monochrome section in the Projected Image category was won by Rosemary Leishman with 'Busy Street'. Anne Stubbs took second and third places with 'Lady in Waiting' and 'Diagonals'.
The Colour section was won by Laura Renfrew with 'Trecking with Giants'. Dave Thompson with 'Small Blooms' and Robert McFetridge (Jun) with 'Tranquility' shared second place while Robert's father Robert (Sen) together with Laura shared third place with 'Lets go Tomorrow' and 'Through the Snow Gates'.

The winners of the best overall print and the best overall PDi were Rosemary and Laura respectively.
Well done to you both.

Also I had a short discussion with Mike and Scott at the end of the meeting relative to the final dinner on 26th April. Thoughts are that we go back to the 'Inn on the Loch' as in the past.
Have a think about it and let us know your interest the next time we meet.

Note that we have no meeting at Greyfriars next Tuesday and we will resume on Tuesday 12th April.

22/03/2022 Theme Night


Tuesday saw the final 'Theme' evening this session the subject being 'Contre Jour'. Five members showed just over 50 images most of which portrayed the subject well.
This was followed by a viewing of a video on Street Photography by a photographer using a £15 camera proving you don't need expensive equipment to be successful.
An attempt to view a further video on Antartica failed due to the speaker system being problematical. Such is life.
Next week Hunter Kennedy will judge the entries in our Annual Print and Projected Digital Images competitions.
Theme Night
Note that tomorrow evening Carluke will host the Annual 4 Way competition on Zoom. Details circulated previously.

Meeting on Tuesday 15 March 2022


On Tuesday members enjoyed an excellent presentation by Cameron Scott.
Cammy is a member at Carluke Camera Club and has achieved many awards at club level, in national and international competitions and as a member in the Guild of Photographers. He has been successful on social media platforms and his work has appeared in several magazines.
He loves Street Photography and he spoke of the many professional photographers he has gained inspiration from in this genre.
He showed many excellent photographs, most of which were taken in Glasgow city centre but included others from Edinburgh and Europe.
Members appreciated Cammy's relaxed style and his help and advice when answering questions.

Next Tuesday we have the last of our theme evenings the subject being 'Contre Jour'.

Note also that on Friday 25th March we have a Zoom meeting with the judging of the Annual 4 Way Print Competition. I don't yet have information on who the judge is or the Zoom Log-in details.but I will notify you all as soon as I have them.

Tuesdays Meeting 8/03/22


On Tuesday the club held a 'Theme' evening the subject being 'People'.
This obviously proved popular as 140 images from seven members were submitted.
Next week we have a presentation on 'Street Photography' by Cammy Scott.
Cammy is well known to our club and his presentation is something to look forward to.
On 22nd March we have a further theme evening the subject this time being 'Contre Jour'. I wonder will it be as popular?

Meeting on 1/3/22


Tuesday was the deadline for entries to the Annual Competitions.
Following this members viewed and selected the club entry for the upcoming Annual 4 Way Print competition between ourselves Carluke, Hamilton and Motherwell. This year it will be hosted by Carluke and will be held on Zoom. Thereafter we viewed a number of videos on Street Photography and one on landscapes in the north east of Scotland.
Next Tuesday is a theme evening the subject being 'People'.
Please also remember to submit any unmounted prints you wish entered in the SPF Interim Print Championship. Only Anne and myself have so far done so and the deadline is fast approaching. You may submit up to 3 monochrome and 3 colour prints. Maximum size is A3.

Internal League 2022


Internal League 2022 results

The Print league was won by Rosemary Leishman. Runner up was Bob Arnott and Anne Stubbs was in third place.

In the Colour PDI League, Scott Campbell won first place. Rosemary Leishman was second and third place was taken by Robert McFetridge (Senior)

The Monochrome PDI League was won by Anne Stubbs. Andy Millar was second and Scott Campbell took third place.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who took part.

meeting on 22/2/22


On Tuesday members welcomed Chris Bonnington who gave an excellent presentation entitled 'My Passion for Photography'. Chris is a member at Carluke Camera Club and has gained awards in Club competitions, the Scottish Photographic Federation' the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain and also British Photographic Exhibitions.
Chris gave an introduction to Drone Photography covering the methods and the legislation that photographers have to follow. He followed this by presenting a series of his photographs describing that by gaining height he was able to show many of the abstract patterns in the landscape and many different compositional angles to the photographs not possible when viewed from ground level.
The second part of his presentation was devoted to a large selection of excellent and inspirational prints which showed his journey in photography and his willingness and ability to try different styles of photography.
Note that next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in entries to the Annual Competitions. You can enter up to six prints and six PDI's in either colour or monochrome.

Tuesday 15/2/22


On Tuesday members welcomed Ton Robley form Carluke Camera Club who judged the final of this session's internal league competitions.
Toms critique was fair and constructive and his relaxed presentation style made it an enjoyable evening.
Rosemary Leishman's print 'Storm Over The Bridges' won first place in the print section. Second and third places were taken by Scott Campbell with his prints 'Heading for the Trees' and 'Cliffs or Neist'.
Scott was the winner in the projected image section with his image 'Walking on the Beach'. Rosemary Leishman was placed second with 'Robin in Snow'. Rosemary and Laura Renfrew shared third place with 'Little Grey Squirrel' and 'Through the Snow Gates'.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who took part.
Next Tuesday we have a presentation from Chris Bonnington on his subject 'My Passion for Photography'.

Meeting on 8/2/22


On Tuesday members viewed the accepted print entries in the Scottish Photographic Federation's 2021 Portfolios. This consisted of both monochrome and colour sections and the quality of the photographs was excellent. Congratulations to member Rosemary Leishman on the acceptance of her colour entry 'Light Rays in the Woods'.
Next Tuesday'e meeting will be the judging of the Third League Competition. This is being judged by Tom Robley from Carluke Camera Club.

meeting on 1/2/22


Last week the club resumed meeting in Greyfriars Church.
My apologies if my e-mail last week led to some doubt as to whether or not we were meeting at the Church or having another session on Zoom as only six members appeared at the Church.
Despite some initial technical problems with our video equipment we managed to view several Audio Visual shows produced by some of the members.
At our next meeting on 8th February we will view the second part of the SPF 2021 Portfolio. This contains many excellent photographs.
The following week, 15th February, will see the judging of the third Internal League competition consisting of both prints and projected digital images.

Zoom Meeting 24/1/22


Due to recent restrictions members have met during the past two weeks using Zoom software however as restrictions are being eased the club will again be holding meetings in Greyfriars Church hall.

The club will always welcome new members so if you are interested in photography why not come along and see what the club has to offer. Details are available on the club website at www,lanarkcameraclub.org

As you will be aware the past two Tuesday's have been held on Zoom. These covered 'Night Scenes' and 'Audio Visual'. Unfortunately the smoothness in the transitions of the audio visual shows was slightly compromised due we think to Zoom software.

Next Tuesday 2/2/22, we have an open night so if you wish any particular subjects you want members to discuss let me know. We may also project some of the AV shows again so if you wish bring them along on a memory stick.

The meeting will be on Tuesday 8th February when members will view Part 2 of the Scottish Photographic Federation's 2021 Portfolio Acceptances. Should be a good viewing with many excellent photographs to appreciate.

Meeting on 25th Jan - on Zoom


I have been unable to contact the Minister or the office at the Church despite several tries and accordingly have decided that the best option for Tuesday's meeting is to continue on Zoom.
I have contacted Mike and he will make the arrangements and notify you of the Log-in details.

Tuesdays Meeting (10/1/22)


In view of the action by the Church organisations I feel it is only right that we follow their lead and cancel our meeting until further notice. Meetings will be online Zoom meetings until further notice/

News on Meeting of 11/1/22


Happy New Year to you all and I trust it will be a healthy one.

The meeting on Tuesday will go ahead at the Church as normal but we may not be able to have use of the Kitchen due to new Church of Scotland rules. All other precautions we have taken in the past will remain.

Please remember to bring your entries for submission in the 3rd League competition which will be judged by Tom Robley on 15th February.

I have had contact with the President at Alba and we are invited to take part in their Zoom lectures. He has promised to send me a copy of their syllabus which I will pass to you as soon as I have it.

Cheers and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Meeting on 15/12/21


Tuesday was the final meeting for 2021 and members viewed the successful images from the Scottish Photographic Federations recent Projected Image Portfolio. Unfortunately lanark had no acceptances in the portfolio however it contained a selection of excellent images hopefully giving some inspiration to the members.

The next meeting of the club will be on Tuesday 11th January and members should remember that this will be the deadline for entries to the third and final Internal League Competitions.

Best wishes to you all for a very Happy Christmas and New year,

Tuesday 30th Nov 2021


On Tuesday members welcomed Mr. Cameron Scott who judged the second of the club's Internal League Competitions. Cameron who is a member of Carluke Camera Club and the Photographers Guild has achieved many awards in his club, the Guild and in national and international exhibitions.
Cameron obviously spent considerable time with every entry and gave a very thorough, interesting and constructive critique giving advice where he thought photographs could be improved and highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the photographs. His comments were well received by the members who enjoyed a most interesting evening.
Rosemary Leishman won first place with her print 'Winter Landscape'. Anne Stubbs was in second place with 'Looking Through the Window', and Bob Arnott was placed third with 'Autumn Wood'.
In the Colour section of the Projected Image competition Scott Campbell won both first and second places with 'Breaking Waves' and 'On the Beach'. laura Renfrew was placed third with 'Trecking with Giants'.
The Monochrome Projected Image section was won by Anne Stubbs with 'Still Waiting'. John Drennan took second place with 'Storm' and Rosemary Leishman was placed third with 'Wintry Walk Through the Hills'.
Next Tuesday (7/12/21) we don't have access to the church so we will meet on Zoom starting at 8pm. Mike will forward details of the Zoom Link in due course.
Note There is a further update to the syllabus for your information.

Meeting 6/10/21 - Hand in night


Following the hand-in for the first internal League Competition members viewed a presentation on Street Photography by London based photographer Brian Duckett showing many of his excellent photographs taken around the city. In his presentation he also included many inspirational photographs by street photography greats Saul Leiter and Tony Ray-Jones. This was followed by a tutorial video by Nigel Danson giving advice on shutter speeds when photographing seascapes. This included many excellent photographs he had taken in Norther Ireland.
Next Tuesday's meeting is a 'Theme' night the subject being 'Local Landscapes'. Should be easy so bring along your favourite local scenes.

Tuesday 28th Sept meeting


'Last week the club held a 'Members Night' when members were invited to show and comment on their own images. Seven members showed a great variety of images in all genres in colour and black and white. The show was greatly appreciated by the audience.
Following this members viewed many excellent photographs which made up the catalogue of last seasons Photographic Alliance of Great Britain 'Masters of Print Exhibition'.
The meeting ended with a viewing of a video tutorial on the use of 'Lab Colour' in Photoshop software.
The next meeting on Tuesday 10th October is a theme night the subject being 'Local Landscape'

Note that Tuesday first is the last opportunity to submit entries for the First League Competition.

If anyone has any questions on photography or any help sought with any of their images please raise the matter when I'm sure some members will be able to help.

21/9/2021 Report on AGM


Last week the club held it's belated AGM for the sessions 2019/20 and 2020/21.

Minutes of the last AGM for the years ending May 2018 were accepted and most of the aims identified at that meting had been achieved.

Following reports by both the President and Treasurer office bearers and committee members were duly elected.

Following a proposal that the rules for both the internal League and Annual competitions be reviewed a discussion followed and it was agreed that some changes were required.

The President will prepare and circulate the new rules ASAP and before the first competition.

The President thanked all members for their attendance and the continued support they have given the club during the past difficult year.

The next meeting of the club on Tuesday 28th September will be the final hand-in opportunity for entries to the first internal league competition followed by some instructional issues.

Getting back - 14/9/21


Lanark Camera Club resumed meetings at Greyfriars Church on Tuesday 14th September following a long period off due to the current health crisis.
The President welcomed fourteen returning members and two guests.
Following a briefing on the wearing of masks, social distancing, and general hygiene practices to comply with the Church guidance, the President outlined the new syllabus as it has been completed so far.
The rest of the meeting was informal with members catching up with each other.
The club are always seeking new members and will welcome anyone interested in photography no matter whether they are experienced or complete beginners. Anyone can come along and see what the club has to offer before there is a requirement to join the club.
The next meeting on 28th September is a members night where members can show there own photographs and seek comment if they wish.

Back to Work.....


Indications are that the club will commence the new session at the Church hall on Tuesday 14th September.
I have attached the new syllabus for your information but as you will see many dates have still to be filled.
Obviously some restrictions will remain in force with the requirement for the wearing of masks and social distancing.
Note that I am seeking entries for the first league Competition by the end of September and ask that entries for the PDI league be forwarded to me by E-mail at any time from now on. I will size and order the images as I receive them. I think this will help rather than the rush at the start of hand in nights. I will collect print entries on the night or by prior arrangement should any member wish to submit their entry earlier.
I hope you are all well and look forward to seeing you back at the club.

Stay safe and keep well,

Zoom meeting 8/6/21


Last night's meeting went well with seven members taking part.

Anne showed some excellent photographs taken on her recent trip to London. Architecture, abstract, people and street scenes being her subjects.

Bob demonstrated his way with 'photoshop' showing how he adjusted contrast and colour balance using adjustment layers in a few recent photographs he had taken.

Andy at Bob's request again showed the recent images he had taken at the Forth Bridges. Some have been selected and Andy has agreed that they can be circulated to a few members to see what adjustments/improvements if any, they can make. These will be viewed at a future date.

Following on from the suggestion that we meet up outdoors for a practical evening's photography we have agreed to meet at lanark Loch at 7.30pm on Thursday 10th June (Thats tomorrow evening). All members will be welcomed.

Cheers and stay safe,

Zoom meeting 1st June 2021


Seven members took part in last nights Zoom meeting.
All members enjoyed viewing images from Andy, Pantea, Scott and Dave.
Andy showed a number of images taken near the Forth Bridges during a period of mist which added very good atmospheric quality to the photographs. All agreed that some had potential for competition use.
Pantea showed a number of images she had taken at Dawick Gardens. These included some general landscape shots and many interesting studies of trees, plants and lichens.
Scott had been hiking in Glen Lyon capturing two munros and a corbett with one of his friends and showed some very good landscapes, panoramas and some drone and video footage.
Dave completed the gallery with more of his floral images, all taken in his garden, and many manipulated in his normal fashion.
Towards the end of the evening Scott proposed a possible evening outing and all agreed this would be a good idea and next Wednesday or Thursday evenings being possibilities. Possible venues were Lanark Loch, New Lanark and Douglas.
We can decide at next Tuesday's meeting.
Finally entries for this years SPF Portfolios must be submitted by 15th July. Please forward any entries you have to myself for collating and electronic submission.

Zoom into Tuesdays


Eight members took part in last night's Zoom meeting.
Scott showed some images and some drone video footing which he had taken around Daer reservoir which proved very interesting.
Andy showed a number of images he had taken with his phone that day when out at Lanark Loch, These included both landscape and nature and were pretty good.
Bob updated the meeting on the AGM of the GDPU which took part on Monday evening. There was nothing of note other than updates on the Digital Portfolio and the Digital Image League, the final of which was won by Eastwood. Carluke came second and Strathaven third.
The association is well off financially and next season each member club will only be asked for payment of £10. This will be the first payment for the past two years.
Two videos by Mads Peter Iverson taken in Southern England were shown to conclude the meeting.
I have received information on the SPF Interm Portfolios which are now open for entries. The closing date will be 15th July. It will consist as always of three sections - Colour Print - Mono Print and Projected Digital Images however entries should be purely on digital files and all entries will have to be submitted via myself to the SPF website so start thinking now if and what you wish to enter. Full details are on the SPF website but contact me should you wish advice.

Zoom in on 4.5.21


Eight members participated in last nights Zoom meeting and following image presentations by Dave, Andy and myself we had a general discussion in future plans for the club.
I had a meeting with the minister at Greyfriars two weeks ago and he was very positive about the club resuming meetings in the Church Hall. The cost has gone up but not as much as had been anticipated and should be around £13.50 per hour. The kitchen and toilet facilities have been greatly improved and the WiFi system is being upgraded and we will be able to use all facilities.
It is hoped to start the new session on 14th September and I have started to prepare our syllabus.
Last night at my proposal it was agreed that we should withdraw from the GDPU Image League for the session 2022/2023 and endeavor to build a better bank of potential images. We should however continue to take part in the GDPU and SPF Portfolios and in the local competitions with the Lanarkshire clubs.
It was also agreed that we should hold three internal league competitions and an annual competition.
External judges are becoming difficult to book and so far I have only been able to book judges for one league competition and next years annual competition.
It was agreed to continue with 'Theme' evenings and in that regard I would welcome suggestions for subjects.
I recently sent out an e-mail asking who would continue their membership of the club and other than those who have been participating in the Zoom meetings I have had no response from anyone.
We have had an invitation from Alba Photographic Society to join them in viewing Zoom Presentations from outside speakers. They have ten bookings between September and the end of the year and they are looking for us to share the cost. If we agree only those members who wish to participate will be required to contribute to this cost. I have not yet received details of the subjects covered in these presentations but will notify you when do receive them.
In terms of our club constitution we are obliged to hold an Annual General Meeting. This will have to be held on Zoom or delayed until our first or second meeting when we resume at the Church. What are your vies on this matter?
Meanwhile Happy snapping and take care,

Zoom Meeting 20/04/21


Tuesday's Zoom meeting formed the last of this years themes when the subject was local landscape. Seven members showed a number of very good images which were enjoyed by the viewers.
On Wednesday at the invitation of Alba Photographic Society three members viewed a Zoom presentation by local professional photographer Paul Miller. Paul is an ambassador for Format HiTech Filters and described his use of filters in the technical aspects of the photographs in his presentation. He showed many excellent photographs from his many journeys to Rannoch Moor and Glencoe which he considers the best Scotland has to offer for landscape photography.
Next week is an open night with yours truly being absent for domestic reasons. (Dog sitting at Maidens).
I have not yet been able to contact the Church but will keep trying.
See you on Tuesday 4th May.

Zoom Meeting 13/4/21


Tuesday's Zoom meeting went well with members viewing some excellent images shown by John D. We also had a review of the images which were submitted to our recent virtual internal competition and some images from Dave, Scott, Laura and Mike together with John's images have been added to an image bank for next sessions competitions.
Following this we viewed the second part of the entries in the SPF Interim Digital Competition 2020 most of which were excellent and inspirational.
Next week we have our final 'Theme' evening the subject being 'Local Landscapes'. Search the archives for your best.

We had intended to hold an Annual general Meeting on 27th April however we have been unable to determine the situation with the Church hall which is currently undergoing major repairs and consequently we will delay the AGM until the position becomes more clear.
Another issue with regard to the hall is the likelihood of increased costs which may be prohibitive depending on our membership numbers. I am aware that some clubs will be in a similar position and are making arrangements to continue having some of their meetings using Zoom or some other media.

It would be helpful if you could let me know ASAP if you are intending to remain a member of the club in order that we can ascertain the best way forward for our own club.

Cheers and stay safe,

6/4/21 Zoom Meeting


At Tuesday's meeting members viewed images from both Dave and Scott. Dave's images were on several flower studies he has been working on while Scott's images were local scenes around his home in Law taken by his drone. All good stuff.
It was good to see John Drennan back after a long absence and we hope his recovery continues. John had us captivated by eight images all different and from the same image file. The original was a photograph of 'rust' and each image was processed using various levels in colour saturation creating lovely colour patterns and texture. He also showed four other images on close-ups of parts of aeroplanes which has us all guessing.
The remainder of the evening was a showing of the first part of the images submitted in the SPF Interim Digital Competition of 2020.
Next week we can view the second part.

30/03/21 on Zoom


Tuesday's meeting was a theme night the subject being 'Patterns/Abstract'.
Only four members participated however many of the images showed good creative skills and some were quite amusing.
On Wednesday 31st March six members joined a Zoom presentation arranged by Alba Photographic Society. This was a presentation by Jane Lazenby, a professional photographer from Barnsley and portrayed her life history in art and photography and her obsession with horses and portraiture. Her images were quite superb and a joy to view.
Thanks to Alba for the invitation.
Next week is an open night so present any photographs or raise any questions you wish help with.

Zoom meeting 16/03/21


At last nights meeting members reviewed the images from the previous week's in-house virtual image competition.
This proved to be an interesting exercise with plenty of comment and interaction when considering each image. As always not all members agreed with some of the opinions however several images have been identified for potential use in future external competitions.
Perhaps more feedback will be given next week and we also intend to view some tutorials.
The following week is a theme evening and the subject is 'Patterns/Abstract'.

Zoom Meeting 2/03/2021


Tuesday's Zoom meeting was on the theme 'What is it'. Perhaps a difficult subject however six members managed to show images all of which met the subject criteria. Unfortunately Anne who had proposed the subject was unable, due to internet connection issues, to show her images. These however will be shown either next week or on Tuesday 16th March.
Next week we will view and judge the entries in the first Virtual Digital Image Competition. A new venture for us so hopefully it will go well.

Zoom Meeting 22/02/21


Tuesday's meeting went well with a post mortem on the images and results from the last two external competitions.
Myself, Scott and Dave had made some adjustments to some of the images as suggested by the respective judges. These let to an interesting discussion and as expected some members agreed the changes were improvements and some disagreed. The main point is that the authors of the photographs can either take on board the suggestions from the judges or stick with their own effort.
I am ready to collate any images you submit for the Virtual PDI competition we intend having in the next couple of weeks so send your entries - up to 4 images - any time soon.
I am also ready to collate any print entries you wish to submit to the Interim SPF Print Championship. I need these by the weekend 12th to 15th March please.
Next week will be a further theme evening the subject being 'What is it'. Should be some fun.

Zoom Meeting 26/01/2021


At Tuesdays Zoom meeting, in response to questions that had been asked, examples of Raw and J'peg images were shown and compared.
Scott also gave a number of examples of photographs he had taken firstly showing the image as it had come straight from the camera and secondly his final image following processing in Photoshop.
This proved very interesting to members and a fairly long discussion on the merits of Photoshop Creative Cloud against Photoshop Elements followed.
Different views were expressed and no doubt the cost of the packages and the use one is likely to make of them is very relevant to ones choice.
Following this Mike showed a very interesting video on ideas for indoor photography.Some were simple and easy to set up while others were much more complicated and required special equipment and assistance from others. Let's see if any member has been inspired.
Next week the theme is 'Pudleography' (Translates to Reflections in Water).
Should anyone be interested the SPF will hold a Zoom meeting on Saturday first (30th January) at 2pm when the winning images from the Interim Digital Championship will be shown and commented on by the judges. All members of affiliated clubs are welcome to join.
You will be able to gain access to this Zoom meeting from 1.30pm. The Zoom Link is Meeting ID:892 8029 1288 Passcode: 330565.
On Monday 1st February the GDPU will hold a committee meeting on Zoom at 7.30pm. I am currently the only delegate for our club so if anyone is willing to join me let me know and I will pass on details of the Zoom link.

Zoom Meeting - 19/01/21


Nine members met last night for what has become a weekly ZOOM meeting.
The evening was spent viewing and discussing photographs submitted by several of the members which proved very interesting and some of the points raised may be useful to the authors in future projects.
A question on the merits of shooting in RAW format as against J'peg was raised and it was agreed to take this further with some examples at our next meeting.

Best wishes and stay safe,

12/01/21 - Zoom Meeting


Last night the club resumed following the Christmas and New year holidays although by means of ZOOM.
Nine members took part and the theme of the evening was 'The Colour Black'.
Although it proved difficult five members produced images and both Anne and Laura proved to be the most creative and inspirational. The other highlight of the evening was an entry by our worthy treasurer. All images by Mike, taken in his back garden, were quite unusual being creative expressions of clothes poles, barbeque close ups and garden refuse bags, all being black of course. Well done Mike.
Next week we are looking to view some tutorial videos but any images from members would also be very welcome.

Cheers and stay safe,

Zoom meeting on 1/12/20


Ten members participated in last night's theme, the subject being Food/Fruit/ Flowers. All three subjects were presented and many of the images were of an excellent standard with a few demonstrating the creative skills of some of the authors.
Following the viewing of the entries members viewed a tutorial video by Scottish Photographer Kim Grant demonstrating her compositional skills on early morning coastal scenes in North east Scotland.
Next week's meeting is open to any subject members prefer. Make it a members night where you can show any images of your choosing. If we get stuck we can view more video tutorials.
Any other ideas let me know,

Cheers, and stay safe,

Zoom Meeting 24/11/20


Club members enjoyed another Zoom meeting on Tuesday evening. The meeting followed a similar pattern to the last two weeks when we looked at the images in our image bank and then viewed the successful entries in the Nature Section of the recent GDPU Digital Portfolio with members scoring the entries and then comparing their score with that given by the judge.
We did however choose our entry for the upcoming SPF Interim Digital Championship and this has now been submitted.
Next week members are invited to submit up to five images on the theme Food/Fruit/Flowers which should prove interesting.

Zoom Meeting on 10/11/20


The first part of last night's meeting was spent selecting images for future club competitions when we got halfway through the possibles in the image bank.
Following this we had some fun viewing the Colour Acceptances in this year's GDPU Digital Portfolio where members gave their opinions and marks and then compared these to the marks and comments given by the judge. Some matched and many were way out.
Next week we will do the same and hopefully finalise our selection for the two forthcoming external competitions.

Zoom Meeting 20/10/20


The Club held a further Zoom meeting last night with 13 members in attendance. That's the highest number so far. Images were shown by Dave Thompson, John Drennan and Steve Alexander. Dave, as always, entertained with odd objects appearing in his original images however no North Berwick seagulls on this occasion. John showed a number of excellent images which included some portraits which were outstanding and should be very useful in future external competitions. Steve showed some studio portraits, some 30 years old, and taken obviously on film and tried to demonstrate some enhancements using Photoshop but unfortunately his presentation could not be heard due to some unknown technical problems.
Members also viewed a number of images from last season's league competitions which we will need to consider for upcoming external competitions. We do need some new stuff however.
The meeting concluded with a viewing of a video by Kim Grant on Sunset Photography on the Moray Coast.
Seer you all next Tuesday.

Zoom Meetings


See details for Camera Club Zoom Meetings

Time: Oct 20, 2020 08:00 PM London
Every week on Tue, until Nov 24, 2020, 6 occurrence(s)
Oct 20, 2020 08:00 PM
Oct 27, 2020 08:00 PM
Nov 3, 2020 08:00 PM
Nov 10, 2020 08:00 PM
Nov 17, 2020 08:00 PM
Nov 24, 2020 08:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting – you can use the link below to join


Or go to WWW.zoom.us click on “join a meeting” and use the meeting id and password below.

Meeting ID: 873 3416 4960
Passcode: 294638



Due no doubt to the current viral crisis only six members turned up for tonight's meeting.
Following discussion with many members it has been agreed that we should terminate meetings for the rest of this session.
It is hoped that we may be able to resume meetings in September however that will depend on how the current crisis develops.
I will contact you by E-mail once I have started to prepare the syllabus for next session and will seek your views on any subject matter you would like included particularly in relation to subjects for our theme nights.
I wish you all well, hope you stay healthy and that you can make the most of the summer to come.



Last week members welcomed Gaillie Gray and Cameron (Cammy) Scott from Carluke who gave an excellent presentation on their personal journeys in photography. It was Cammy, a member at Carluke Camera Club, who introduced Gaillie to the hobby and she learned the craft very quickly, her creative skills leading to her winning many awards.
They started their presentation showing many of their earlier landscape photographs and then Cammy, whose main interest is in street photography followed with many excellent images in that genre. Gaillies forte is in creative still life images and she presented many inspirational photographs of her flower arrangements which have won her many awards at club and national level and have gained her the first qualification level in 'The Guild of Photographers' a prestigious association for all who are committed to the art of photography of which Gaillie and Cammy are both members. This was an excellent talk thoroughly enjoyed by all members.

Note that next Tuesday we meet in the Church and it is a theme evening the subject being 'Portrait'

3rd league Competition 3rd March 2020


On Tuesday the club held the third and final of this sessions internal league competitions. The judge was Mr Tom Robley from Carluke Camera Club who gave a very interesting and constructive critique on all the entries.
Robert Wilson won the print section with his photograph 'Lochan Na H-Achlaise'. Rosemary Leishman took second place with 'City Lights'.
In the projected image section Steve Alexander took first place with 'Die Musik', while second place was taken by Scott Campbell with 'Heading for the Hills'.
In the final results this sessions Print League has been won by Rosemary Leishman and the Projected Image Section is won by Scott Campobell. Congratulations to both and thanks to all members who took part.

Next Tuesday (10/3/20) we have two visiting speakers, Gailie Gray and Cammy Scott from Carluke Camera Club.

On 17th March we have a theme evening, the subject being 'Portrait'.

Street Scenes - Tuesday 25/2/20


On Tuesday the club held a theme evening when the subject was 'Street Scenes'. Members viewed well over one hundred digital images submitted by 8 members which led to an enjoyable evening. Many of the images will be worth further consideration for use in future competitions.

Note that next Tuesday (3/3/20) we have the judging of the third Internal League Competition which will be judged by Tom Robley.

The following Tuesday (10th March) members will welcome Gaille Gray and Cameron Scott from Carluke Camera Club who will give a presentation on their personal journey in photography.

11/2/20 - 4 Way Battle


On Tuesday we hosted the 4 Way Print Battle with Hamilton, Carluke and Motherwell and were well beaten. Carluke were worthy winners scoring 178 points for their ten prints. Hamilton were second with 175 points, Motherwell scored 162 points and ourselves 157 points. Post mortem will be held next week. We had a good attendance with 16 visitors however I expect due to weather many of our own regulars did not attend.
Note that on Friday this week Carluke are hosting the 3 Way PDI competition between Lesmahagow and ourselves. Meeting starts 7.15pm for 7.30pm in St Andrews Church Hall Carluke. Myself, Willie Gibson and Dave Thompson have already confirmed our attendance. The more the merrier so come along if you can make it.
On Tuesday first we will view the first part of the accepted images in the 2019 SPF Portfolio.

4/2/20 - 3rd League Hand In


Last week was the hand in for the third and final internal league competition for this session. Following the hand in members viewed three video tutorials by Danish photographer Mads Peter Iversen. The first two were on landscapes in Gran Canaria and the third on woodland photography in Denmark.

Note that on Tuesday (11/2/20) we are hosting the annual 4 Way Print Competition with Carluke, Hamilton and Motherwell.

On Friday Carluke will be hosting a 3 Way PDI competition with ourselves and Lesmahagow. Other clubs who normally take part in this competition have withdrawn.

At the meeting on 18th February members will view the accepted images in last years Scottish Photographic Federation Portfolio.


Meeting on 21/1/20


On Tuesday the club held a Theme evening when the subject was 'Architecture Abstract'. Eight members submitted a total of 109 images and as usual when viewed it was obvious that some fitted the subject perfectly, showing good creative techniques, while others failed completely. Of particular interest was the fact that three of the more recent members well way ahead in creative ability that all of the old hands put together.
This led to a very interesting discussion with plenty of amusing comments which made the evening entertaining and very enjoyable.
Next Tuesday (28/1/20) we will replace many of the photographs displayed in the hall so those attending please bring a duster.
You should also note that the following meeting on Tuesday 4th February is the hand in night for entries to the final internal league competitions.
Today I received notification that Carluke will host the 4 way Image Battle (formally Scottish Life Trophy) between Carluke Lanark, Lesmahagow and Armadale on Friday 14th February. The judge will be Clive Turner.

Happy New Year 2020


Only seven members turned up on Tuesday due perhaps to some still on holiday and others recovering from over indulgence during the festive break.
The evening was spent selecting the final ten prints for the forthcoming 4 way print battle and the PDI entry for this years Scottish Life Trophy Competition.
On Tuesday first we have past club President Paul Archibald visiting to give a presentation on 'Lanark's Photographic Past'.
Hopefully we will have a good turnout to hear Paul's presentation.
Happy New Year to you all.

17/12/19 Last meeting of the year


On Tuesday the club held the third of this sessions 'Theme' evenings when the subject was 'Minimalist'. Eight members submitted a total of 78 images most of which fulfilled the subject and we had an enjoyable evening. Following the showing of the theme images we held a short post mortem on the entries to the last external competition which we narrowly lost by two points. This hopefully proved beneficial.
We do not meet now until Tuesday 7th January when we need to select the entry for the 4 way print battle which we host on 11th February.
Meantime may I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Hopefully Santa will bring you all of the photographic equipment you asked for.

13/12/19 GDPU battle


On Tuesday Lanark hosted an Image League battle with Dalry Camera Club. The judge for the competition was Mr Hunter Kennedy from Carluke Camera Club. Hunter is a well known and respected judge nationally and he gave a very thorough , constructive and fair critique on all of the forty images submitted offering his opinion on where many of the images could be improved.

Lanark were narrowly beaten the score being Dalry 331 points to Lanark's 329. On a positive note the highest scoring image was 'St Conans Kirk' by Willie Gray.

Next Tuesday (17th we have a theme evening the subject being 'Minimalist'.

Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays the following meeting of the club will be on Tuesday 7th January when we should make the final selection of prints for the 4 Way Club Battle in February.

2nd League 3/12/19


Tuesday saw the judging of the second internal league competition which was judged by Chris Bonnington from Carluke Camera Club. Chris gave a very thorough and fair assessment of all the images giving many tips on how he thought some improvements could be made. He also gave a demonstration using two of the submitted images to illustrate his suggested improvements.
The print section was won by Robert Wilson with his photograph 'Winter Scene Glenfinnan'. Rosemary Leishman was second with 'Swan in Pond' while Bob Arnott was in third place with 'Misty Wood'.
First in the projected image section was 'Standing on the Shoulder', a mountain scene by Scott Campbell, Willie Gray was in second place with 'Blackbird With Lunch'. Three members shared third place, 'Road to Nowhere' by David Neilson, 'John', a portrait by Anne Stubbs and 'Light Rays in the Wood' by Rosemary Leishman.
Note that next Tuesday (10th Dec) we host an Image League Battle with Dalry Camera Club. Please try to arrive as near to 7.30pm as possible bearing in mind that parking will be difficult due to part of the Church premises being used for Political Hustings.

26th November meeting Clydesdale Trophy


On Tuesday Lanark hosted the 'Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy Competition' between Lanark Carluke and Lesmahagow. The judge for the competition was Kenny McMurray from Alba Camera Club and he gave a very thorough and constructive critique on all of the thirty images submitted.
Carluke once again proved very worthy winners with an excellent group of images and scored 175 points, way ahead of Lanark and Lesmahagow who scored 159 points and 155 points respectively.
It proved to be a very enjoyable social evening.

Next Tuesday, 3rd December, first we have the judging of the 2nd League Competition. The judge is Chris Bonnington from Carluke Camera Club.

At the following meeting on 10th December Lanark will host the GDPU Image League battle against Dalry Camera Club.'

Meeting of 19/11/19


On Tuesday the club held the second of this years 'Theme' nights. The subject on this occasion was 'Shadows'. Seven members submitted a total of 84 images which members agreed all fitted the theme albeit some were better than others. Once again it proved to be an interesting and enjoyable evening.

Next Tuesday's meeting (26/11/19) will be the judging of the Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy competition. We will be hosting visitors from Carluke and Lesmahagow. The judge is Kenny McMurray.

Tuesday 12/11/19


Tuesday was the hand in for the second internal league competition.
After the hand in members viewed the accepted images in the 'Nature' section in this year's GDPU Digital Portfolio and also three excellent 'Landscape Videos' on the Faroe Islands.
Next Tuesday (19/11/19) we have the theme evening the subject being 'Shadows'. Also note that we will meet in the Church.

On the following meeting on 26th November, the club will host the 'Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy Competition' and we look forward to welcoming members from Carluke and Lesmahagow for this annual event.'

Remember remember, the 5th of November


On Tuesday members viewed the Colour and Monochrome accepted entries in the Glasgow and District Photographic Union, Digital Portfolio. To make it interesting members were asked to award a mark to each of the images and then compare their mark with that awarded by the judge. The judge's mark and his comments on each image were then read to the members and as expected some agreed and some disagreed with him. We will view the Nature Section images on another evening.

Next Tuesday, 12th November, we have the hand in night for the second internal league competition followed by 'Landscapes in the Faroe Islands'.

Tuesday 29th October - 1st League Competition


On Tuesday the club welcomed Mr James Dyas from Motherwell Photographic Society who judged the first of this sessions internal league competitions. Jim gave a very thorough and fair assessment of all the entries and also gave a very interesting display of some of his own prints which have proved successful for himself. This was appreciated by the members.

The winner in the print section was Dave Thompson with his print 'Cup and Two Flowers', Rosemary Leishman was second with her print 'Ailsa Craig, and third place was taken by Willie Gray with his print 'Bonnie Bonnie Banks'.

The projected image section was won by Scott Campbell with his image 'A View From Above', Dave Thompson took second place with 'Intense' and Scott also took third place with 'Sligachan Falls'.
Next Tuesday (5/11/19) we have an agreed change to the syllabus when we will look at some of the successful acceptances in this years GDPU Digital Portfolio.

The following week on 12th November will be the hand in night for the second internal league competitions.'

Meeting on 22/10/19


Tuesday was the first of this sessions 'Theme' evenings when the subject was 'The Colour Blue'. Nine members took part submitting over 100 images. Most fulfilled the subject criteria but as usual some proved to be more creative than others. All in all it proved to be an enjoyable evening.

Next Tuesday (29th Oct) Jim Dyas, Motherwell Photographic Society, will judge the first of this sessions internal League Competitions.

Good luck to all who have entered.

The following Tuesday 5th November we take a look at some tutorials on 'Portraits' and 'Street Scenes' which will be the subjects of future theme evenings .

15/10/19 Meeting


Last week the club held an informal workshop looking at several processes using 'Lightroom' and 'Photoshop' software. Following a heady session members enjoyed a lighter session with Dave Thompson showing images from his recent holiday at Lake Garda and David Neilson showing some of his recent college work.

Next Tuesday is our first theme evening. 'The colour Blue' is the subject. Should be easy.

The following meeting on 29th October will see the judging of the first of the Club's internal league competitions.'

Tuesday 8/10/19


Tuesday was the hand in night for the first of the club's internal league competitions.
Following the hand in members viewed a number of videos by professional photographers showing their methods and their approach to photographing the area in and around Glen Coe.
Member Willie Gray also showed a number of his own Scottish landscapes proving he could hold his own against the professionals.

Next Tuesday (15th Oct) we have a workshop hoping to help any member with any issues they may wish to raise.

The following meeting (22nd Oct.) is the first of the sessions 'Theme' evenings when the subject is 'The Colour Blue'. This meeting will take place in the Church.

Meeting on 24 Sept 2019


On Tuesday members made their final selections on the entries for the first few external competitions the club will be involved in. The club have been fortunate to welcome two new members and some of their images have been included in the selection process.
Next Tuesday we will have a look at tutorials on 'Minimalist' and 'Abstract Architecture' subjects.

The following Tuesday, 8th October, will be the hand in night for the first of this sessions internal competitions. This will be followed by a look at some Scottish Landscape photography.'

Meeting on 17/9/19


Last week members gave further consideration on images considered to be worthwhile for use in external club competitions. There was much debate on the merits of certain images and some attempt was made to improve them. The final selection has still to be agreed.

Note that next Tuesday (24/9/19} we must finalise our entries for the Hamilton battle, the Clydesdale Trophy and the entry for the GDPU Digital Portfolio.

On Tuesday 1st October there will be some suggestions for forthcoming 'Theme Subjects' This will be followed by a look at tutorials on 'Minimalist' and Abstract Architecture' photography.

A new Season Starts 10/9/2019


Lanark Camera Club started the new session on TuesdayClub
President Bob Arnott welcomed all returning members and was delighted to welcome four potential new members who came along to see what the club had to offer.
The evening was informal and three members showed a fair number of images taken during the summer recess. Also shown was a number of images from last sessions internal competitions to assess whether any may be suitable for use in upcoming external events.
At the next meeting on Tuesday 24th September members will hold a workshop making final improvements to the images selected.
The club meets on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm in Greyfriars Church Hall, Bloomgate, Lanark, and are always seeking new members. No matter what level your photographic skills may be you are welcome to come along and see what the club has to offer with no obligation to commit to joining until you are ready.
Further information on the club's activities can be viewed in the Sylabus page and in the Gallery pages
See you next Tuesday when we will try further assessment of images for external competitions.

2019 Annual Competition


Last week the club's Annual Competitions were judged by Mr Jim Dyas from Motherwell Photographic Society who in his usual relaxed style gave a thorough and constructive critique on both the print and projected digital images.

Willie Gray's prints 'Woody Hanging On' and 'Inside St Conans Kirk' won first and second places while Robert Wilson was placed third with 'Winter Glenfinnan'.

Bob Arnott was first in the projected image section with 'On it's Own'. Second place went to Robert Wilson with his image 'Grandtully Adventure' . Two images ''Red Squirrel on Branch' by Willie Gray and 'Fag Break' by Bob Arnott shared third equal place.

This years competition had the highest entry for a number of years with 32 prints and 33 Digital images being submitted so thanks to all members who participated.

The meeting will be held in the Church on 23rd April. with the Clubs AGM the following Tuesday.

Meeting on Tuesday 2/4/19


On Tuesday club member Steve Alexander demonstrated further techniques to replace skies in images where the detail in the original sky is weak. One demo showed the technique when the original sky was light grey with no detail and the second was when the original was predominately blue. In the second example Steve reduced the blue using the blue and cyan sliders in the photoshop hue and saturation filter to remove all detail in the original sky prior to introducing and blending the new sky. He also demonstrated introducing the reflection of the sky when the image contained water.
Note that there is no meeting on Tuesday first. Our next meeting is on 16th April when Jim Dyas will judge the entries in the Annual Competitions.



Tuesday was the hand in night for entries in the Annual Competitions. Following the hand in members viewed several tuition videos on landscape and Portrait photography and Photoshop techniques.
Next Tuesday members can bring along any images they feel may be improved and hopefully someone can assist..
There is no meeting on Tuesday 9th April due to the church hall being used for the School Holiday Club.
The following Tuesday 16th April when the Annual Competitions will be judged'.

Meeting on 18/3/19


Last week the club held it's final 'Theme' evening of the session the subject being 'Seascape'. This proved very popular with seven members showing a total of 105 images all of which met the subject criteria.

On Tuesday first we have the hand in for the Annual Competitions Up to 6 prints and/or 4 PDIs per author.

The Following meeting on Tuesday 2nd April will take the form of a workshop on image improvement.



On Tuesday the club held an informal workshop evening. Members viewed videos by two professional photographers, Gary Gough and Craig Roberts on their advice and style in Landscape and Street photography. This was followed by a short presentation by our club Photoshop guru Steve Alexander who demonstrated one of his techniques in changing backgrounds in photographs.
On Tuesday first we have our final 'Theme' evening the subject being 'Seascapes'. We are likely to meet in the Church.

5/3/19 Tuesdays meeting


On Tuesday members viewed several tuition videos. Subjects such as embracing shadows, avoiding obsessions, street photography using an I-phone and a few in Photoshop items demonstrating use of the perspective crop tools and colour control.

The meeting on 19th March will be the final theme evening the subject being 'Sea Scape'.

Meeting on 26/2/19


The club held an image improvement session. Several images were selected and various suggestions from members and software techniques were discussed and demonstrated. Hopefully this proved both interesting and helpful to all members.

Note that the next two meeting are likely to take a similar form with some video tutorials. If anyone has any particular ideas or wishes please let me know

The subject for the meeting on Tuesday 12th March has yet to be decided however more tuition on technique is probable.

Candid Camera - 19/2/19


On Tuesday the club held a theme night the subject being 'Candid'. Six members submitted over seventy images most of which met the subject criteria and many proved to be excellent photographs. An interesting and enjoyable evening.

The winners of the annual Internal League competitions were announced as follows:[
Print League - Bob Arnott
PDI League - Robert Wilsonj

On Tuesday first we have a workshop. It would be helpful if some members could bring along an image file they may wish help with.

12/2/19 - 3rd annual league competition


Tuesday saw the judging of the third and final Internal League Competitions. Members invited former member David Gemmell to judge the competition and he gave a thorough and fair critique on all of the images both prints and projected images.

Robert Wilson had a clean sweep in the projected image competition taking all three top places. His photograph 'Highland Winter' was first, second was 'An Sgurr View' and third was 'Buchan Burn'.

The print competition was won by Bob Arnott with 'Pittenweem'. Second place was taken by Anne Stubbs with 'Sam' while Willie Gray took third place with 'The Hermitage'.

Next Tuesday is a theme night with the theme being "Candid"
The following Tuesday (26th February) will be a workshop on Image Improvement.

29/1/19 GDPU image competition


On Tuesday the club hosted the Glasgow and District Photographic Union Image League competition against Hub Singer Camera Club.
The competition was judged by Kenny McMurray from Alba Camera Club who gave a very thorough and constructive critique on all the images offering his opinion on how he felt some could be improved.
Hub Singer proved to be worthy winners of the competition.

Note that next Tuesday we can view the accepted images from the current GDPU Digital Exhibition. You may also want a post mortem on Tuesday's results.

The following meeting on Tuesday 12th February will be the judging of the third and final internal league competition for prints and projected images.'

Tuesdays Meeting 22/1/19


Tuesday was the hand in night for the third and final internal league competitions.

Following the hand in members viewed several videos, four on Iceland by Danish photographer Mads Peter Iversen, and one on Harris and Lewis by Huddersfield photographer Gary Gough. All were excellent in content and quite inspirational.

Next Tuesday we will be hosting the GDPU Image League competition with Hub Singer Camera Club. Please try an be on time to start the meeting.

Tuesday 5th February will be the viewing of the accepted images in the GDPU Digital Exhibition.'

Tuesday 15/01/19


On Tuesday the club held a Theme night when the subject was 'Transport'. Seven members participated and we had a showing of over 90 images all of which met the subject. All forms of transport from the ancient to the modern were shown and this proved to be an entertaining as well as an educational evening.
Next Tuesday we have the hand in for the third internal league competition and we will meet in the Church

The following Tuesday (29th January) the club will host an image league battle against Hub Singer Camera Club. This league is sponsored by the Glasgow and District Photographic Union.'

Also note
Motherwell Photographic Society are hosting the annual 4 way print battle on Thursday 14th February.

Tuesdays Meeting - 8/1/19


On Tuesday Mr Bob Copeland from Carluke visited the club and gave an excellent audio visual presentation based on visits he has made to Egypt. Bob who is an accomplished photographer and honorary member of the Scottish Photographic Circle has been on two cruises on the River Nile visiting many of the historic sites on the river. His shows gave a great insight into the architecture of the various temples and monuments but also illustrated the culture of the local population whom he photographed going about their everyday activities. This was a most entertaining and educational presentation much appreciated by club members.

Next Tuesday we have a Theme night the subject being 'Transport.

The following meeting on Tuesday 22nd January is the hand in night for the third and final internal league competition.

Tuesday 18th December.


This was the Club's annual Quiz Night, this year prepared by Willie Gray. Willie displayed the first 20 images consisting mainly of memorials, monuments and historical sites. This was won by Scott Campbell with a massive score of 6.5 points from the possible 20. The second part consisting of 30 images depicting Bridges throughout Scotland, with a few south of the border, was won by Bob Arnott with a score of 19 from the possible 30.
his was a fun night and thanks go to Willie for his work in preparing the images and to Scott who provided an excellent bottle of wine as the main prize. (Won by the President of course) The other two prizes were won by Scott and Robert McFetridge (Jun).
Hope you all have a very happy Christmas and a good and prosperous New Year.
See you at the first meeting on 8th January.

Tuesday 11th December.


The club viewed the accepted images in the 1918 SPF Print and Digital Portfolios. This consisted of many excellent images including images from two of our own members. These were 'Tunnel Vision' by Scott Campbell and 'Highland Stag' by Willie Gray. Well done guys.

2nd League - 4/12/18


Tuesday saw the judging of the club's second Internal League Competition. Our judge was Ton Robley from Carluke Camera Club who gave a very thorough and constructive critique on all of the photographs.

Willie Gray and Bob Arnott shared first place in the Print Competition with 'Woody Hanging On' and 'Gate House' respectively. New member Anne Stubbs was second with 'The Three Blondes'. Willie also took third place with 'Red Squirrel With Peanut'.

Robert Wilson took the first two places in the Projected Image Competition with 'Grandtully Adventure' and 'Garland Burn'. 'Clyde Path' by Ber Wilson was placed third.

Next Tuesday (11/12/18) we will view the selected images in the SPF Portfolio 2018.

The following meeting on Tuesday 18th December will be a Quiz Night and this will be the last meeting this year.



On Tuesday the club held an Image Improvement Workshop. Comments from the judge in a recent competition suggesting some improvements were considered. A number of images were then projected and some of the suggestions tried. As with all digital software there is always more than one way to achieve similar results and this led to a lively discussion as to how the improvements should be achieved.

Next Tuesday (4/12/18) Tom Robley from Carluke Camera Club will judge the entries in the second of our internal league competitions.

The following Tuesday 11th December members will view the accepted images in the recent Scottish Photographic Federation Portfolio.

Meeting - 20/11/18


At Tuesdays meeting was a theme night the subject being 'Close Up'. Five members projected a total of 48 images, all of which were judged to meet the theme.
Some of the images were considered good enough for use in future competitions.

On Tuesday (27th November) we have an image improvement night. We will give further consideration to the comments from the last external judge and make adjustments should we agree with her.
Members are welcome to bring along any images they wish help with.

The following meeting on Tuesday 4th December will be the judging of the second internal league competition.'

Meeting on 13/11/18


On Tuesday, following the hand in for the second Internal League competition, members viewed a number of videos by professional photographers on landscape , aircraft and street photography.
Some of the images from the last external competition were viewed and some of the suggestions from the judge were considered.

Note that next Tuesday (20/11/18) first we will meet in the Church. Members will be showing photographs themed on 'Close up or Macro'. Themed nights have proved very popular in the past so should be an interesting evening.

On Tuesday 27th November, the main activity at the next meeting when we will apply some of the suggestions made to the images and consider the results.'

Tuesday 6/11/18 GDPU League


On Tuesday the club hosted the GDPU Image League battle against Armadale Camera Club. The competition was judged by Fiona Brims, a professional photographer and member of Kirkitilloch Camera Club. Fiona gave a very honest and constructive critique and also gave advice which in her opinion would improve many of the photographs entered. Lanark came out winners in the competition.
Congratulations to Billy Gray who scored top marks with 'Squirrel on a Branch'

Note that on Tuesday13th November we have the hand in for the next internal league competition. Those of you who can, please bring your entries on a disc which you can leave with Dave to save some time.

The following meeting on Tuesday 20th November will be on the theme 'Close up'.

30/10/18 First League competition


On Tuesday the club held the first of this sessions Internal League Competitions.
The competition was judged by Mr Bob Copeland an accomplished judge and member from Carluke Camera Club. Bob gave a very interesting and constructive critique on all of the images together with his advice on how some improvements could be made.
The Print Competition was won by Bob Arnott with 'Jetty'. Willie Gray was second with St Connans Kirk' and Bob Arnott gained third place with 'Turnberry Sunset'.
The Projected Image Competition was won by Rosemary Leishman with 'Blooming Blue'. Alasdair McFetridge was second with 'Young'. Third place was shared by Alasdair's brother Robert with 'Grazing in the Warmth' and Rosemary with 'Innocence'.

Try and be early next Tuesday first for the battle with Armadale.

The following meeting on Tuesday 13th November will be the hand in night for the second league competition'.

23/10/18 Meeting


Tuesday's meeting was an informal workshop on tips on portraiture. Members viewed a number of tutorial videos demonstrating the use of a standard 50mm lens when shooting outdoor portraits. A tutorial giving suggestions in enhancing a portrait using digital software was also viewed.

Once again my apologies for the disaster and frustration experienced with the club equipment. At the very end it was discovered that we were connected to the Church website and that something had been working in the background, possibly a software update. Once disconnected we were able to show a video faultlessly. Lessons learned hopefully.

Next Tuesday (30/10/18) we have our first internal league competition which will be judged by Bob Copeland a member at Carluke Camera Club and a very good friend at Lanark.

The following Tuesday 6th November members will welcome members from Armadale Camera Club to take part in an image league battle sponsored by The Glasgow and District Photographic Union.

16/10/18 Meeting


On Tuesday the club held the first of this sessions 'Theme' evenings when the subject was 'Clouds'. Six members submitted over 70 images all of which complied with the set theme. A composite image submitted by member Ber Wilson depicting cloud formations with annotations proved very interesting prompting a lot of discussion. Thereafter every other image led to a debate as to what type of cloud had been photographed. Member Scott Campbell's photographs of cloud inversion taken during a recent mountain hike in the Alps proved most interesting.

The meeting on Tuesday first will be in the Church. Members are asked to bring along any images they wish help with or any photographic questions they wish advice on.

The following meeting on Tuesday 30th October will be the judging of the first internal league competition.'

9/10/18 meeting


'Last week was the hand in night for the first internal league competition. Twelve members have entered both prints and digital image files for adjudication.

Following the hand in members viewed several tuition videos by Yorkshire based photographer Simon Baxter on Woodland Photography and more videos by Danish photographer Mads Peter Iversen on his workshops in Iceland.

Note that next Tuesday (16/10/18)t we have the first of our 'Theme' nights the subject being 'Clouds'. Should be interesting.

The following meeting on Tuesday 23rd October will be a workshop. Members should bring along any images they wish advice on or any questions on any other photographic topic they may have.

Tuesday 2/10/18


On Tuesday members chose the final bank of images for use in forthcoming club external competitions.

The remainder of the evening was spent viewing tutorial videos giving tips and ideas in both landscape and street photography.

Note - Tuesday is the hand in night for the first of our internal league competitions. Hopefully we will also have time to view more tutorial videos.

The following Tuesday (16th October) is a theme night the subject being 'Clouds'.

Tuesday 25th Sept


Tthe club held a 'Workshop' evening consisting mainly in the use of 'Photoshop' digital software to improve images. Many of the images submitted the previous week were chosen and the methodology in the making of the improvements was demonstrated to members.

This provoked much comment and discussion as the software can be used in different ways to achieve the same result.

On Tuesday first we need to select our entry for the first of our GDPU Image League Battles against Armadale on 6th November.

On Tuesday 9th October members should hand in their entries for the first of the sessions internal league competitions. It is also intended to view some Video Tutorials.'

Meeting Tuesday 11th Sept


This week members considered a large number of images in order to create a bank of images that may be used in forthcoming club competitions. Opinions were sought and given on each of the images and it was agreed that some may need improvement. Hopefully this will be achieved over the next two meetings before the final selection is agreed.

This final selection will be made at the meeting on Tuesday 2nd October.'

Note that on Tuesday first we have a workshop and should use this to make the improvements to some of the images we discussed on Tuesday.

New Season 2018-2019


Lanark Camera Club will start their new session on Tuesday 11th September.

The evening will be for registration and an outline of the new Syllabus. It is also intended to view some of the photographs members have taken since the end of last session.

The club meets on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm in Greyfriars Church Hall, Bloomgate, Lanark, from September until May.

The club are always seeking new members, no matter what level of experience they have in photography, so come along and see what the club has to offer with no obligation to commit to joining until you feel ready and think the club has something to offer you.

In addition to print and projected image nights, the syllabus includes discussions. invited speakers and inter club competitions.

End of the season 1/5/18


The final two weeks of the club session were the AGM and the end of session dinner. The AGM on 24th April had a good attendance. The existing committee was re-elected and discussion followed on syllabus matter for the new season.

Five 'Theme' nights will be held the subjects being as follows - 'Close-Up' - 'Candid' - 'Transport' - 'Seascape' - 'Clouds'

We will also compete in all available local, GDPU and SPF competitions.

The final dinner was held at 'The Inn on the Loch' Lanark with an attendance of 18 members and friends and it proved to be a very enjoyable evening.

Trophies and Certificates were presented as follows:-

Willie Gray - Winner of Annual Print Competition
Scott Campbell - Winner in Annual projected Image Competition
Bob Arnott - Winner of Print League Competition
Willie Gray and Ber Wilson - Joint Winners of Projected Image League Competitions.

President Bob Arnott thanked all for their attendance and for the support they continued to give the club.

The new session will commence on Tuesday 11th September 2018.

17/4/18 Annual Competition


Tuesday was the clubs Annual Competitions which were judged once again by Jim Dyas, a good friend of the club.

The results were as follows:-

Annual Print Competition
1st Place 'Highland Stag' by Willie Gray
2nd Place 'Canoeist' by Willie Gibson
3rd Place 'Stones' by Bob Arnott

Annual PDI Competition
1st Place 'On The Edge' by Scott Campbell
2nd Place 'Chaffinch On Top' by Willie Gray
3rd Place ''Final Chip' by Ber Wilson

Next Tuesday will be the Annual general Meeting.



Two weeks ago we had the last of the Theme evenings when the subject was 'Street Scenes' This was well supported with an entry from seven individual members. Following our own efforts a video by Craig Roberts, a You Tube blogger was shown where he demonstrated his night shots in the lanes and alleyways in London.

A discussion followed on the venues for the Annual Presentation where Mike had obtained sample menus from local restaurants. It was agreed that we should go to 'The Inn on the Loch' and Mike was asked to go ahead and book it for 1st May 7pm for 7.30pm.

On Tuesday evening members viewed several videos on Landscape Photography techniques and also on the use and methodology of Focus Stacking.


The next meeting on Tuesday 17th April will be the judging of the Annual Print and Projected Image Competitions. The entries will be judged by Jim Dyas who is well known to the club.

Tuesday 20/3/18


Seven members attended the Scottish Life Competition hosted this year by Lesmahagow. We took a real hammering ending up bottom of the pile. The scores were as follows Carluke 182 points, Lesmahagow 170 points, Armadale 155 points and ourselves 153 points. This has been the trend all session so we need to try a different selection process next year.

Our next meeting is a theme night the subject being 'Street Scenes'.

This is also the night for handing in your entries for the Annual Competitions

We also need to consider and decide what we want to do for our Annual presentation meet on 1st May.

Meeting on 13/3/18


Tuesday was a tuition night. Billy Gibson brought an image taken in St Conan's Kirk, Loch Awe and wanted some advice on converging verticals. This was given and at the suggestion of Dave Thompson the image was converted to monochrome. All agreed that this improved the picture. An image on Glasgow Cathedral, taken from the Necropolis by Rosemary, was also viewed and converted to monochrome which also improved the overall appeal of the picture. The sky in this one proved more difficult but suggestions from Dave and Steve proved helpful. The use of selections and the free transform tool in Photoshop was also demonstrated. Following this members viewed two videos by Danish photographer Mads Peter Iversen giving his advice and tips on landscape photography.

Next Tuesday 20th March the club are away at Lesmahagow for the Scottish Life Trophy competition. The meeting will be held in Auchenheath Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm.

The following week 27th March is our final theme evening the subject being 'Street Scenes'. Note that this is also the night for the hand in for the Annual Competitions, both Prints and PDIs.

6/3/18 Meeting


On Tuesday the club viewed the accepted entries in the GDPU Digital Portfolio newly introduced last year. Two members Willie Gray and Robert Wilson were successful in having images accepted so this added to the enjoyment of the viewers.

Next Tuesday we have a Tuition night so if you wish help with an image bring it along and it can be discussed with fellow members.

27/2/18 Meeting (or not)


As some of you are aware Tuesday's meeting did not go ahead as the speaker could not make it due to the weather conditions. Seven members did make it however and made do with a blether, putting the world to rights. and a coffee.

Next Tuesday we will view the selected entries in the GDPU Projected Image Portfolio. Hopefully the snow will have gone by then.

20/2/18 Theme Night Meeting


'Movement' was the subject of this week's theme evening. Seven members participated showing a varied approach to the subject some of which were more creative than others.

Douglas Harris from the Scottish Photographic Circle will visit the club next Tuesday to present the accepted photographs in their current exhibition.

Meeting on 6/2/18 - 3rd League


On Tuesday the club held the third internal league competition for prints and projected images. The results were as follows:-

PRINTS - 1st Place - 'Highland Stag' by Willie Gray
2nd Place - 'Laid Up' by Bob Arnott
3rd Place - 'Old Bridge' by Bob Arnott

PDI's - 1st Place - 'Chaffinch on Top' by Willie Gray
- 2nd Place - 'Bamburgh Castle' by Willie Gray
- 3rd Place - 'Oompah' by Ber Wilson

The competition was judged by former club member David Gemmell. David had obviously spent considerable time over the entries giving detailed and constructive comments on all the photographs. He pointed out the many good points and some where in his opinion improvements could be made. He has left detailed notes on his critique for the information of any member who wishes to read them.

On Tuesday we have a fun night to see what manipulations you have achieved with the five images handed out just before the Christmas and New Year break.

Meeting on 30/01/2018


On Tuesday we had a visit from Phil Morrow who gave us an excellent show of his prints which were really outstanding.
Phil explained his approach at the taking stage of a photograph and gave examples of many of the personal projects he has embarked on.
This was a very inspirational lecture and one which will be remembered at Lanark for a long time.

Next week we have the third Internal League Competition which will be judged by David Gemmell.

Happy new Year - Meeting on 9/1/2018


last week the club resumed meetings following the Christmas and New Year break. This first meeting was the annual Audio Visual night and three members presented various shows for the entertainment of members. A tutorial video was also shown on the methodology used in producing AV shows.

On Friday 12th January the club took part in the annual 4-Way print competition involving Hamilton, Motherwell and Carluke. This year the competition was hosted by Carluke Camera Club who once again proved to be worthy winners. Lanark finished in third place behind Hamilton. Many thanks to Carluke members for hosting the event and the hospitality provided.
On Tuesday 16th we have the hand in night for the 3rd internal league competition followed by image assessment and selection for external competitions

The following week (23rd Jan) will be an image assessment exercise. Members should bring along any images they wish help with.

Tuesday 12th December 2017


'Last week the club held a theme night the subject being 'People at Work'.
Eight members submitted over ninety images which depicted people working in a great variety of situations. Proved to be a very interesting and entertaining evening.

Next Tuesday (19th Dec) is a 'Quiz Night' which according to Dave will be World Pictures not just Scotland. Should have some fun.

The club have no meetings over the Christmas and New Year holidays and meetings will resume on Tuesday 9th January when it will be a members Audio Visual Night.'

5/12/17 - 2nd League Competition


On Tuesday we had the judging of the second internal league competitions for prints and projected images.
The judge was Chris Bonnington from Carluke Camera Club who gave a thorough but fair critique on all the entries. He also added many useful hints and tips on how in his view the entries could be improved.

The Print competition was won by Bob Arnott with 'Two Bridges'. 2nd. place with 'Tiger Flower' went to Willie Gray. Bob and Willie also shared 3rd place with 'Lochside Trees' and 'Getting Wet' respectively.

Ber Wilson was the winner in the Projected Image competition with 'Final Chip'. Scot Campbell was 2nd with 'Autumn Above' while 3rd place went to Willie Gray with 'Morning at Eilean Donan'

Following the judging Chris gave a presentation on his successful prints which gained him the 'Distinction' award in the recent Photographic Alliance of Great Britain adjudications. His 15 prints were excellent and were enjoyed by all present.

Next Tuesday (12/12/17) we have a Theme night the subject being 'People at Work'. We also have to select 10 prints for the 4 way Print Battle at Carluke on Friday 12th January. I have the prints from the 1st and 2nd League competitions this year but it would be helpful if print workers could bring along anything recent that has not been used in this battle before.

The following Tuesday 19th December will be a quiz night and will be the last meeting of this year.

A busy week - 21/11/17


Through this week the club were involved in three inter club competitions. Two in the Glasgow and District Photographic Union's Image League Battles against Kilmaurs and Strathaven and also against Lesmahagow and Carluke in the 'Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy' competition. Three very enjoyable evenings however Lanark didn't win any of the competitions. Congratulations once again to Carluke who retain the 'Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy and to Lesmahagow for hosting the competition and for their excellent hospitality'.
On Tuesday 28th November there is a Viewing of the accepted entries in the SPF Annual Portfolio 2017.
The meeting on Tuesday 5th December will be the judging of the second internal league competition.'

7/11/17 Meeting - Photoshop Tutorial


On Tuesday members viewed two Photoshop Masterclass tutorial videos. One showed how by use of the basic tools in the software, a picture of a castle, taken on a dull day, was transformed into a beautiful moonlit scene. The second tutorial was a step by step guide on how to produce a stunning montage using several individual images. Proved to be an interesting and enjoyable evening and hopefully all members learned some new techniques.

Next Tuesday (14/11/17) we have a 'Theme' night the subject being 'Dereliction' and it is also the hand-in for the second internal League Competition.

The following Tuesday (21st November) the club will visit Lesmahagow Photographic Society who are hosting this years 'Clydesdale Trophy Competition'. Members should also note that we have two further GDPU Image League Battles that week, the first at Kilmaurs on Monday 20th. and at Strathaven on Thursday 23rd.'

31/11/17 Club League competition 1st round


On Tuesday the club held the first of the sessions internal league competitions. The judge for the evening was Mr Bob Copeland, Hon Member of the Scottish Photographic Circle and member of Carluke Camera Club, who gave a thorough and constructive critique on all the photographs submitted.
Scott Campbell took first place in both the print and projected digital image sections with 'Moalboal Sunset' and 'On The Edge' respectively.
Second place in the print section was 'Gunnerside Barns' by Bob Arnott and third place was taken by Willie Gibson with 'Festival Clown'.
Second in the projected image section was Ber Wilson with 'Lanimers is a Long Day' and Bob Arnott was in third place with 'Crail harbour'. The vote of thanks was given by Bob Arnott.

Note that on Tuesday first we have more Video Tutorials on Photoshop. Any member wishing copies of the tutorials I have are welcome to bring along a memory stick to copy what they want.

The following Tuesday (14th November) will be a theme night the subject being 'Dereliction'. This is also the hand-in night for the second internal league competition'.

24/10/2017 Photoshop Tutorial


On Tuesday members viewed several tutorial videos on digital manipulation techniques. These covered current versions of software but also some earlier versions still in use by a few members. Hopefully most gained some helpful knowledge from the presentations.
On Tuesday (31st) we have the judging of our first League Competition.

The following meeting on Tuesday 7th November will be another tutorial evening with a viewing of 'Photoshop Masterclass' videos.

10/10/17 Meeting


Tuesday was the hand in night for the first of the club's internal competitions which will be judged on 31st Oct..
Following the hand in members viewed the club entry for the Glasgow and District Photographic Union's Digital Image Portfolio.

Tuition on Photoshop software followed with particular reference to complex selections.
Next Tuesday (17th) we have the first of our Theme nights when the subject will be 'Sport'

The next meeting on Tuesday 24th October will be a further tuition night on digital software.'

3rd October Meeting


On Tuesday members collectively chose a bank of digital images which can be used in forthcoming external competitions this session.

Instruction and discussion followed in the various ways to size images for these competitions.
Some further instruction and demonstrations took place on how a few of the images chosen could be improved by cropping and colour adjustments.

Note that on Tuesday first we have the hand in for the first internal league Competition. Up to four prints or four PDI's per member. Digital images should be submitted on a CD.
The subject of the following meeting on October 17th will be the theme 'Sport'. A good entry is anticipated.'

Meeting 26th Sept - Holiday Snaps


Tuesday's meeting was a members Image night when members were asked to show a number of photographs taken recently. Eleven members participated showing a large number of pictures covering a large variety of subjects.
This was a great effort from those involved and it led to a very interesting and enjoyable evening.

Note that on Tuesday first (3.10.17) we have to pick PDIs to create a bank of images for forthcoming competitions.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 10th October which will be the hand-in of Prints and Projection Images for the first Internal League Competition.
Discussion and ideas relative to for the forthcoming Theme Projects will also take place.'

A New Season Starts


Lanark Camera Club commenced their new session on Tuesday 19th September.
The evening consisted of registration and an outline of the new Syllabus.
The club meets on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm in Greyfriars Church Hall, Bloomgate, Lanark, from September until May.

The club are always seeking new members, no matter what level of experience they have in photography, so come along and see what the club has to offer with no obligation to commit to joining until you feel ready.

In addition to print and projected image nights, the syllabus includes discussions. invited speakers and inter club competitions.
Click the Syllabus tab to see what's happening.
Tuesday 26th Sept. - Members (or visitors) Digital Night - Bring along up to 15 Images which describes your best photo shoot over the break.

On Tuesday 3rd October members are invited to bring along images they consider fit for use in interclub competitions in order to create a bank of images. Instruction in the process of 'sizing images' will also be given.

New Season


Members please note that the opening night will be on 19th September

Water sports night out


Five members turned out on Tuesday 30th May and went to the Pinkston Water Sports Centre in Glasgow. We spent a great fun night photographing stunt canoeists. Motor drives were in use so no doubt the delete key will be in full use when editing the results on our computers.

We will try another outing in about two weeks.

Meeting 2/5/17


Nine members turned out on Tuesday and we had an enjoyable local walk around Lanark Loch. Some good lighting in the woodland and not to bad at sunset. The walk was followed by some enjoyable banter on all subjects photographic in the Clydesdale Hotel.
Suggested that we try another evening out to Douglas and perhaps we can do this on either Tuesday 16th or Tuesday 23rd May.

Club Annual Competition 18/4/2017


Last week the club held it's Annual Print and Projected Images Competitions. The entries were judged by Jim Dyas, an experienced judge and member of Motherwell Camera Club who gave a very honest and constructive critique on all of the photographs. His comments, hints and tips together with his humorous anecdotes and stories all added to the enjoyment of the evening.

Member Scott Campbell had a clean sweep in the Beginners Print Section winning the top three places with 'Cold Mountain Grass', 'Clyde Valley Falls' and 'Footsteps in the Snow'.

The Advanced Print competition was won by Bob Arnott with his print 'Eventide'. Willie Gray took 2nd. place with 'Fox Over a Barrel' and also 3rd. place with 'Brambling'.

The Beginners Projected Digital Image competition was also won by Scott with 'Freezing Point'. he also took 2nd. place with 'Skye Falls'. Rosemary Leishman was 3rd with 'Wispy Clouds'.

The Annual Advanced Projected Digital Image competition was won by Willie Gray with 'Blue Tit Landing Approach'. Willie was also second with 'Mission Over Mountains'. Third place was 'Ullswater Boat House' by Bob Arnott.

Note that on Tuesday first we have the Buffet and Presentation of Certificates. The cost will be held at £8. per head.

Any ideas for our last meeting of the season on Tuesday 2nd May will be welcomed. Let me know your thoughts.

AGM 4/4/17


Tuesday was the Annual General Meeting with a good turnout of 13 members.

Note that the 'Theme' subjects for next year are as follows:

We have no meeting on Tuesday 11th April. Our next meeting is the Annual Competitions on 18th April. These will be judged by Jim Dyas.

Meeting on 28/3/17


'Last week the club held its final 'Theme' event for the session the subject being 'Big Toon Wee Toon'. Compared to the other 'Themes' this session this one proved to be the most difficult as only three members participated. Dave Thompson filled the rest of the evening with a presentation of many of his most recent photographs and also a two part Quiz to identify places in Britain from many cryptic clues. This also proved difficult to most members but was good fun.
Next Tuesday (4/4/17) we have the AGM. This was a change to the syllabus. Think about what you might wish for in next years syllabus and any other club related matter you wish to raise.

There is no meeting on Tuesday 11th April
The next meeting on Tuesday 18th April will be the Annual Print and Projected Image competitions,'

Meeting on 21 March


On Tuesday the club held a tuition night led on this occasion by member Steve Alexander. Steve demonstrated several simple and straight forward methods of making image improvements. Some of these were new to some of the more experienced members so all present benefitted from the demonstration.
Next Tuesday (28.03.17.) is the hand-in for the Annual Competitions. Members may submit up to four PDI's and six prints. It is also your opportunity to present you images on the theme 'Big Toon Wee Toon'. If time permits due to the suspected low entry in the 'Theme' project, Dave has a quiz lined up to tax your minds.

The next meeting on 4th April will be the club's Annual General Meeting.'

Meeting on 14/3/17


Last week the club had a visit by Douglas Harris ARPS, who gave a presentation on the entries submitted to this years exhibition by 'The Scottish Photographic Circle'. The presentation consisted of 88 excellent photographs and the commentary and anecdotes given by Douglas gave members a very entertaining and interesting evening.
Next Tuesday(21/3/17) we will have a tuition night. Members are asked to raise any points they may wish help or advice on.

The following meeting on 28th March is the hand-in night for the entries to the Annual Print and Projected Image competitions. This will be followed by members images on the theme 'Big Toon - Wee Toon'.

Tuesday 7/3/17


On Tuesday the club hosted the Annual Projected Image Battle for the 'Scottish Life Trophy'. Competing this year were Lanark, Carluke, Lesmahagow and Armadale. Unfortuneately Biggar and Clydesdale could not take part this year. The competition was judged by Gill Williamson from Eastwood Camera Club and she gave a very thorough and constructive critique on all the images. Carluke Camera Club were once again worthy winners of the trophy scoring highly against the others. Lesmahagow took second place with Lanark and Armadale following in third and fourth places. Thanks to all members who competed which resulted in a very enjoyable evening.

Next Tuesday (14/3/17) we have a presentation from Douglas Harris showing the accepted prints in this years Scottish Photographic Circle's Exhibition.

The following meeting on Tuesday 21st March have yet to be finalised but tuition and image assessment are likely.

Meeting on 28/2/17


Last week the club viewed the accepted images in the Glasgow and District Photographic Union's 'John Duffy Portfolio'. This consists of fifty prints selected from the overall entry from affiliated clubs. Lanark had three photographs selected notable among which was Robert Wilson's print 'The Pinch' which gained nineteen points out of the maximum twenty.
On Tuesday (7/2/17) we host the annual Scottish Life PDI Battle with Carluke Lesmahagow and Armadale. We don't know how many visitors are likely to arrive however could members be as prompt as possible to set the hall out so we can start as sharp as possible.

The meeting on Tuesday 14th March will be a visit by Douglas Harris who will present a selection of the photographs from the 'Scottish Photographic Circle's' current exhibition.'

Meeting on 21/2/17


'Last week the club held a members night with each member presenting up to 15 photographs and giving a commentary on each. Of particular interest was the submission of images by two recent potential members, the quality of which showed good potential. Hopefully they will remain with the club as we are always seeking new members.
Next Tuesday (28/2/17) t we will view the 'John Duffy Portfolio' sponsored by the GDPU. (50 Prints).

The following Tuesday (7th March) the club will play host to members from Carluke, Lesmahagow and Armadale clubs for the Annual 'Scottish Life Trophy' competition.'

Meeting on 14/2/17


Last week was the viewing of members interpretation of 5 images which had been handed out earlier in the session. Seven members took part having produced many photographs demonstrating imagination and creativity. This was an excellent exercise enjoyed by all. The remaining part of the evening was spent choosing the entry for the next external competition.

Next Tuesday 21/2/17) will be members talk on the 15 images collected earlier in the session. Lets have a open discussion on the entries.

The following Tuesday, 28th February, will be the viewing of the accepted photographs in the Glasgow and District Photographic Union 'John Duffy Portfolio'.

Meeting on 7/2/17


'At last weeks meeting the President announced the overall winners of this sessions League Competitions.
The Beginners Print League was won by Scott Campbell. Rosemary Leishman won the Beginners Projected Image League.
In the Advanced Leagues Willie Gray won the Print Competition and Robert Wilson was first in the Projected Image Competition.

The evening continued with a viewing of all the submissions in the theme 'Waterfalls'. This proved enjoyable with a large entry of photographs taken both locally and in other parts of the UK.

Remember that we have an invitation to attend Carluke Camera Club on Friday first and also a week on Friday to hear presentations from visiting speaker they have arranged.

Our meeting next Tuesday, 14th February, gives members the opportunity to show their interpretation(s) of the five images given out last October.

The following meeting on Tuesday 21st February will be another opportunity for members to display and talk about their own photography'.

31/1/17 3rd league competition


Last week the club held the final Internal League Competition of this session. The judge for the event was previous club member David Gemmell who gave a very constructive and fair critique on all of the entries.

New member Scott Campbell won all three top places in the Beginner's Print Section with 'House on the Hill', 'Clyde Valley Falls' and 'Icy Summit'. In the Beginner's Projected Image Section Rosemary Leishman took all three top places with 'View of Lights Calton Hill', 'Swan Family' and 'Victoria Street' .

This winning pattern continued in the Advanced Print Section with Willie Gray taking the first three places with 'Highland Castle', 'Brambling' and 'Red Squirrel at Lunch'.

The Advanced Projected Image Section was won by Robert Wilson with 'Evening Light'. Robert and Willie Gray shared second place with 'Lone Tree' and 'Skye High' respectively.

Note that on Tuesday (7/2/17) we have a Theme Night the subject being 'Waterfalls'

The following week, on 14th February will be a viewing of members interpretations of five images which were handed out earlier in the session. Should be some fun.

Meeting on Tuesday 24th Jan


On Tuesday we had an image improvement session aimed particularly at less experienced members. Scott and Sandy brought along images and some simple improvements using digital software were demonstrated which they both appreciated. The evening also proved beneficial to others owing to the number of suggestions and questions from other members.
Unfortunately we overran on time and intended tutorials by Steve will be covered at a future date.
Next Tuesday will be the final Image League competition. The judge will be ex member David Gemmell.

Meeting on 17/1/2017


'Last Tuesday the club had a pleasant evening viewing Audio Visual Shows provided by members Dave Thompson, Steve Alexander and Bob Arnott. The shows varied greatly in nature with some showing local scenes, foreign travel, family memories and others totally creative.
An video tutorial by Audio Visual Guru Barry Beckham was also shown to give some members, who have not tried audio visual, an idea on how to set one up.
Next Tuesday 24/1/2017 we will have a workshop on image improvement. Anyone, particularly beginners, bring along any image(s) you want help with.

The Following Tuesday, 31st January, will be the judging of the final Internal League Competition.'

Meeting on Tuesday 10/1/17


Tuesday (10/1/17) was the hand-in night for the final of the club's internal League Competitions.
Following the hand-in six members showed a large number of images based on the 'Theme - Bridge Structures'. Photographs of bridges, both grand and small, from all over Scotland, the north of England and far off Venice were projected to the enjoyment of all members.
On Tuesday (17/1/17) we have our Audio Visual night.

The following Tuesday (24th January) will be a practical workshop hoping to help members with some of the photographic problems they may be experiencing.'

Happy New Year to all..


Just a quick reminder that on Tuesday we have a Theme Night the subject being 'Bridge Structures'
Tuesday is also the hand-in night for the 3rd League Competition which will be judged at the end of January.
PDI entries and Digital files for prints on a CD for Dave please.

Tuesday20th December


On Tuesday 20th the club held a Guess Where or What Quiz. The club President selected 50 images, all in Scotland, and issued a question and answer sheet to members. The winner was Ber Wilson who got 29 of the questions correct. Other participants enjoyed a laugh however all showed a distinct lack of knowledge of Scotland. Perhaps we should try Spain next time. The winner and all participants received chocolate bars for trying. Following the quiz Dave Thompson entertained members with a showing of two of his more recent Audio Visual shows.
The club will resume meetings after the Christmas and New Year break on Tuesday 10th January which will be the hand in night for the final Internal League Competitions. Members should also note that this is a theme night the subject this time being 'Bridge Structures'.
Compliments of the season to all,

2nd League 6th December


'Last week the second internal league competition was judged by Tom Robley, a member from Carluke Camera Club. Tom gave a very interesting and fair appraisal of the images together with advice which in his opinion some of the images could be improved.

Scott Campbell was a clear winner in both the beginners print and projected image sections. His prints 'Remember Remember'. 'Monster Mountain' and 'Pollen Hunting' took first three places. His projected images 'Skyfalls' and 'Taking in the View' were first and second while Rosemary Leishman took third place with ''Walk in the Gardens'.
The advanced print competition was won by Bob Arnott with 'Winter on Rannoch'. Willie Gray took second and third places with 'Early Light on Eilean Donan' and 'Glasgow Evening'. The advanced projected image section was won by Robert Wilson with 'Winter Trees', Ber Wilson was in second place with 'Castlebank Colour' and Robert also took third place with 'Amber'
Next Tuesday (13/12/16) Bring your best from the15 Images for Explanation on 21st February 2017. Also, any questions regarding Photoshop will be addressed. Bring along some photographs you think could be improved.
The following meeting of the club on 20th December will be a 'quiz night'. This will be the last meeting this year and meetings will resume on 10th January.'

Meeting on 29th November 2016


'Last week the club viewed the accepted entries in part one of the Photographic Alliance for Great Britain's Cup for small clubs. The second part will be viewed at a future meeting. A number of images which had been submitted for external competitions were also viewed and Club Competition Secretary Dave Thompson displayed some improvements which he had made and which could be considered by members before the images are finally used.

Next Tuesday (6/12/16) we have the judging of the second internal league competition. Judge is Tom Robley.

The following meeting of the club on 13th December members are invited to bring along up to 15 images which will be viewed and appraised at the meeting on 21st February next year. More tuition on digital software will also be given.'

Meeting on 22/11/16


Last Tuesday members welcomed David Wilson who was a member of the club some thirty years ago. David was a member whist a pupil at Lanark Grammar School and had to leave when going to university. Since then his career has taken him first to England and for the past twenty two years he has lived in Austin, America. He is an expert on the use of the high dynamic range process in his photography and it was on this subject that he gave members an excellent presentation. For part of his explanation and demonstration on how to use the process and the software involved David used photographs of the interior of St Mary's Church in Lanark, taken on a visit home about two years ago. This added local interest to the presentation. He followed by showing a portfolio of his photographs the quality of which will be remembered at Lanark for a long time. Member Steve Alexander thanked David for his presentation expressing his appreciation, both for David's enthusiasm which came across during his delivery, and for an of the excellence of David's photographs.

On Tuesday (first of December) we will select prints for the forthcoming 4 way print battle with Carluke, Hamilton and Motherwell.

The following week (8th December) Tom Robley from Carluke Camera Club will judge the second internal league competition.

Meeting on 15/11/16


'Last Tuesday was the hand-in for the second of the club's internal League Competitions. Following the hand-in members had a session demonstrating image improvement. Three images from new member Scot Campbell and one from Willie Gray, an existing advanced member, were worked on with plenty of suggestions and opinions on how the images could be improved on. The new member accepted all of the advice while Willie, as expected, thought his image was already perfect. Good fun was enjoyed by all.

The Following meeting on 29th November will be the viewing of the accepted entries in the PAGB -GB Cup for small clubs.'

Next Tuesday (22nd November) we have David Wilson, a previous member of the club, giving a talk on the 'Qualities of High Dynamic Range' imaging. ...more

8/11/16 Meeting


'Last week the club hosted the annual 'Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy' completion between Lanark, Carluke and Lesmahagow. The judge for the evening was John McVie from Dumfries Camera Club. John is the current vice president of the Scottish Photographic Federation and is a well known and respected judge and lecturer. His critique was very interesting and constructive, expressing the feeling he got from many of the images and giving points of advice on how things may have been improved. Carluke were well deserved winners scoring 272 points over their 15 images and of note was the fact that four of their images scored maximum points. In second place Lesmahagow did well scoring 259 points. Lanark were well behind on 239 points. Many congratulations to Carluke who retain the trophy,

On Tuesday 15th November is the hand in for the second League competition.

The next meeting of the club on 22nd November will be a presentation by David Wilson, a former member of the club. David is currently visiting from America and will talk on the qualities of High Dynamic Range Photography'

Tuesdays meeting 1/11/16


On Tuesday the club held a tuition evening working with 'Layers' in digital software. The tuition was led by club member Dave Thompson who gave excellent demonstrations using two of his own images and also one from another club member. Dave went through the process, demonstrating the versatility of layers in Photoshop software, making improvements to the images in easy to understand steps and answered numerous questions raised from fellow members particularly those new to the club.

Note that next Tuesday 8/11/16 we will host the 'Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy' competition. Carluke and Lesmahagow are the only other two club taking part this year.

The meeting on Tuesday 15th November is the hand in night for the second of the club's internal league competitions. Members are also invited to bring along images they may consider worthy of improvement'.

Meeting om Tuesday 25th October


'Last Tuesday the club held the first of it's internal League Competitions.
Following the judging by Mr Bob Copeland from Carluke Camera Club, which as usual was very thorough and constructive, the results were as follows.

New member Scot Campbell took all three top places in the Beginners Print League with 1st. - 'Passing Ship', 2nd. - 'Lost Valley Falls' and 3rd. - 'Rain Soaked Caterpillar' In the Beginners Projected Image category, Rosemary Leishman took 1st and 2nd places with 'Autumn Butterfly' and 'Squinty Bridge'. Third place was won by Scot Campbell with 'Above the Clouds'.

The Advanced Print Section was won by Willie Gray with 'Loch Duich'. Bob Arnott took 2nd and 3rd places with 'Morning Calm' and 'Harvest'. Bob also took 1st place in the Projected Image Section with 'Ullswater Boathouse', while 2nd and 3rd places were won by Robert Wilson with 'The Runner' and 'The Pinch'.

Following his critique judge Bob Copeland allowed a showing of three of his Audio Visual shows to complete an enjoyable evening.

Next Tuesday (1/11/16)we have another tuition night the subject being 'Discovering The Versatility of Layers'

On Thursday 3rd November the club will compete in the first GDPU Digital Image League tie against Eastwood at Eastwood. Dave will appreciate any support from members to accompany him travelling to Eastwood.

The Following Tuesday (8th November), the club will host the 'Campbell McNair Clydesdale Trophy' competition. Competing this year will be Lanark, Carluke and Lesmahagow'.


Meeting on Tuesday 18th October


Last Tuesday the club held a tuition night covering contrast adjustment to photographs followed by methods of producing you own Christmas Cards. Bob Arnott demonstrated the use of the Levels command in Photoshop CC while Willie Gray demonstrated the similar process in Photoshop Elements. This was followed by a demonstration by Dave Thomson showing how to produce Christmas Cards using pre set templates. Steve Alexander followed by demonstrating his tried and tested method of producing Christmas cards from scratch. All in all a very interesting evening.

OnTuesday first (25th October), Bob Copeland of Carluke Camera Club will judge the first of this sessions internal League Competitions.

The following meeting on 1st November will be a second tuition night with Dave Thomson demonstrating the versatility of 'Layers' in digital software.

11th October Meeting


'Last week the club held the first of this session's 'Theme' nights, the subject being 'Sea Shore'. Seven members submitted a very good entry of images showing scenes from throughout Britain and abroad, all of which were enjoyed by the members.

Following the presentation members were given a selection of five images chosen by the club president. They are asked to manipulate these images, as far as their skill and imagination takes them, and all will be viewed on 14th. February 2017.

Note that next Tuesday we have a Tuition session covering Photoshop Levels and the use of templates to make greetings cards. Bring along suitable Christmas card images if you have some.

The following Tuesday (25th October) the first of the club's internal league competitions will be judged'.

Meeting on 4th October


Tuesdays meeting, following the hand in for the first internal league competition the club held a workshop on indoor/tabletop photography.

The workshop was led by Dave Thompson assisted by Willie Gray, Willie Gibson and Steve Alexander. The use of different lights and lighting angles was demonstrated showing how these affect the final image and hopefully some of the less experienced members will have learned something.

Next Tuesday (11/10/16) we have the first of our 'Theme' nights the subject being 'Sea Shore'. Hope for a good entry.

The following Tuesday (18th October) will be a tuition night discovering the value of contrast adjustments using digital software followed by a dip into the prospect of making you own Christmas cards. Members should bring along suitable images.'

Tues 27/9/16


'Last week members selected images for consideration in forthcoming inter club competitions. The request for images was well supported by members and a healthy bank of images was selected. This will give the selection group plenty to work with when final selections are made.
Potential new members Sandy McEwan and Scott Campbell also showed some of their images and these were very impressive . Both show very good potential for the future.
Next Tuesday (4/9/16) is the hand in night for the 1st League Competition. Hopefully use of the new entry forms will run smoothly. It is also intended to hold a studio/table top exercise so bring along you cameras and some items you wish to photograph in a studio set up.

Tuesdays Meeting 20/9/16


'Last Tuesday club members were invited to show a selection of their recent holiday photographs. Many members put on a very interesting show with pictures ranging from places in the north of this country to the south of France. Gardens, wild life and local landscapes also featured. Thanks to all members who took part.

The club are still seeking new members who are welcome to come along and see what the club has to offer.'

Note that on Tuesday first (27th Sept) we hope to select a bank of images for use in external competitions so bring along your best images. We also hope to make members aware of the method of sizing images for both internal and external competitions.
Instruction of the new method of submitting entries to our internal competitions and the forms used will be explained by Dave.

New Season, 2016 - 2017


Lanark Camera Club started the new session last Tuesday when the President welcomed members.

Following a summary of the new syllabus members had a general discussion on the content and all things photographic.

The club are seeking new members so if you have an interest in photography, no matter what level, please come along and see what the club has to offer.

Meeting are held every Tuesday at 7.30pm in Greyfriars Church Hall, Bloomgate, Lanark.

On Tuesday 20th Septembert remember to bring along some of the images you took recently and lets have an open discussion on the content.

Session 2016 - 17


Lanark Camera Club will commence the new session on Tuesday 13th September when existing and new members will be made welcome.
The evening will consist of registration and an outline of the Syllabus. ...more

Annual Competition Awards 2016


On the clubs final night on Tuesday 3rd May 21 members and friends enjoyed a buffet supplied by a local Indian restaurant. The President in his welcome made mention of the departure of member Jean Bousted who sadly lost her husband earlier in the session and is moving to a new home where she will be among personal friends and within easier reach of her son. Bob wished her well and invited her to present the certificates to the winners of the League and Annual competitions which she was delighted to do.

The competition results were as follows:-

Beginners PDI League Competitions - Rosemary Leishman

Advanced PDI League Competitions - Robert Wilson

Advanced Print League Competitions - Willie Gray

Beginners Annual PDI Competition - Rosemary Leishman

Advanced Annual PDI Competition - Andrew B Wilson

Advanced Annual Print Competition - Bob Arnott

The club Quaichs for the Annual Advanced PDI and Print competitions were presented to Ber Wilson and Bob Arnott.

The President also complimented our youngest member Kathryn Hattie who had second third and fourth places in the Annual Beginners competition

Annual Competition 19/4/16


This Tuesday the club welcomed Jim Dyas from Motherwell Camera Club who judged the entries in the club's Annual competitions. Following a very thorough and constructive critique, together with Jim's many humorous anecdotes, the results were as follows.

Beginners Projected Image Competition: Winner - Rosemary Leishman with her image of the Suspension Bridge in Glasgow.

Second and third places were by our youngest member Kathryn with her images of North Bridge in Edinburgh and a portrait of her father.

Advanced Projected Image Competition: Winner - Ber Wilson with 'The Shoemaker'

Second and third : Robert Wilson with 'Bouquet of Barbed Wire' and 'Redpole'.

Print Competition: Winner - Bob Arnott with 'Natural Arch'

Second - Robert Wilson with 'The Pinch'

Third - Willie Gray with 'Chaffinch in Profile'

Next Tuesday 26th April,will be the clubs AGM

The club's final meeting of the session will be the Buffet and Awards Presentation on Tuesday 3rd. May.

Something you Love - Meeting on 12/4/16


Tuesdays meeting (12/4/16) the club held its final theme night of the session. The subject 'Something You Love' proved a little difficult for some however 10 members managed to submit a total of 50 images all of which were enjoyed by those present.

Next Tuesday, 19th April, Jim Dyas will visit the club to judge the Annual Competitions.

Tuesday 26th April will be the club's Annual general Meeting. We hope for a good attendance.'

Tuesdays Meeting - 22/3/16


'Last week following the hand in for the club's Annual Competitions, member Dave Thompson gave an interesting demonstration on the blending of two photographs to create a montage. Dave demonstrated his method in cutting out part of one image and then preparing a second background in which to place the cut out. His presentation was enjoyed by both beginners and the more advanced.
The next meeting on Tuesday 29th March will see members efforts on the Image Edit Exercise on the image handed out in January. Should be fun.
There is no meeting at Lanark on Tuesday 5th April.
At the meeting on 12the April the theme will be 'Something or someone you love'. Have fun with this one.'

Tuesdays Meeting 15/3/16 - Scottish Photographic Circle's annual exhibition


'Last Tuesday members welcomed Douglas Harris who gave a presentation and display of the accepted entries in the Scottish Photographic Circle's annual exhibition.
Many first class and inspiring photographs were on display and the comments by Douglas were interesting and informative.
Note that Tuesday 22/3/16t is the hand in night for the Annual Competitions. Help will be given to anyone needing help with their entry, eg. basic adjustments or sizing.
Reminder that there will be no meeting on Tuesday 5th April as the Hall is being used for Church use.

The meeting on Tuesday 29th March will see members efforts on the Image Edit Exercise on the image handed out in January. Should be fun.'

Indoor Photography - Tuesdays Meeting 8/3/16


'Last week the club held a 'Theme' night the subject being 'Indoors'. Nine members participated showing upwards of 50 images, most meeting the subject criteria, and all of which led to an interesting and entertaining evening.

On Tuesday15th March we have a presentation by Douglas Harris showing the entries in this years 'Scottish Photographic Circle' exhibition.

Also note that the following week - 22.03.16 - is the hand in night for the Annual Competitions. Up to six prints and four PDI's per member.

We will have a further 'Theme' night on 12th April. The subject, chosen by our youngest member, will be 'Some Thing or Someone that you love'.

John Duffy Portfolio


On Tuesday (1/2/16) members viewed the accepted images in the Glasgow and District Photographic Union 'John Duffy Portfolio'. Of particular interest were the photographs by club members Dave Thompson and Willie Gray.

Please note that we have a Theme on 'Indoors' this coming Tuesday. Also it's only three weeks until we submit entries for our Annual Competitions - Up to six prints and up to four Projected Images per member. Hoping for a good entry.

The Scottish Life Trophy Competition involving ourselves, Carluke, Biggar, Clydesdale and Lesmahagow, is being hosted by Carluke on Friday first. The meeting is in St Andrerws Church, Mount Stewart Street starting at 7.30pm.

What's on


The next meeting , on Tuesday 1st March will be the viewing of the Glasgow and District Photographic Union 'Joh Duffy Portfolio'.

Meeting 16/2/16 Presentation on 3D by Jess Graham


Last week members enjoyed a night with a difference. The club welcomed Jess Graham an accomplished photographer who runs several local workshops on digital photography.

Jess gave a short presentation on three dimensional photography and then led members in a workshop creating 3D images from a selection of images and material supplied by her. The evening was both interesting and informative but most of all it was good fun and a change from the normal.

Next Week it is intended to have an image appraisal evening with suggested improvements where appropriate. Any member, particularly the new members, should bring along any images they wish advice on.

Meeting 16/2/16 3D Presentation by Jess Graham


Members enjoyed a night with a difference. The club welcomed Jess Graham an accomplished photographer who runs several local workshops on digital photography.
Jess gave a short presentation on three dimensional photography and then led members in a workshop creating 3D images from a selection of images and material supplied by her.
The evening was both interesting and informative but most of all it was good fun and a change from the normal

Next Week (23/2/16) It is intended to have an image appraisal evening with suggested improvements where appropriate. Any member, particularly the new members, should bring along any images they wish advice on.

Meeting on 9/2/16 - Presentation by Jim Allan


Last week members welcomed Jim Allan from Alba Camera Club who gave a presentation consisting of a number of audio visual shows he has produced over the past few years.

Jim's shows were very varied and took us all over Scotland and part of the north of England. Some of the shows from Glasgow and Edinburgh concentrated on street scenes and people and gave a flavour of the culture of the cities. His show on Beamish Museum was particularly interesting and had been prepared following three separate visits to the site.
Members enjoyed a very entertaining evening.

Next Tuesday we have Jess Graham visiting and giving a demonstration on 3 D Photography. Jess has asked that as many members as possible bring along a laptop as part of the session will be practical

3rd League Results


'Last Tuesday the final Internal League Competitions were held and were judged in-house by member David Thompson who gave a thorough and fair critique on all the entries. Dave also demonstrated the improvements he was suggesting to some of the images using the clubs digital equipment and software. This proved most interesting and helpful to all present.

Rosemary Leishman won the Beginners Projected Image section with three images of the windfarm at Forth. Her images were all taken during one of the few dry frosty days we have had this winter and were well executed.

In the Advanced Projected Image section Bob Arnott won with his image 'Evening at Hopeman'. Three members shared second place, Willie Gray with 'Siting Tight', Robert Wilson with 'Winter Trees' and Bob Arnott with 'Evening Pasture'.

The Print competition was won by Willie Gray with 'Fishermen at Elgol'. Bob Arnott was second with 'Winter on Rannoch' and Willie also gained third place with 'House and Hills'.

The winners of the Internal League Competitions for this session are as follows:-

Beginners Projected Digital Image League - Rosemary Leishman.

Advanced Projected Digital Image League - Robert Wilson.

Advanced Print League - Willie Gray.

Congratulations to all winners and thanks to all members who participated over the whole session.

The next meeting on 16th February will be an introduction to Three Dimensional Photography presented by Jess Graham.

Past and Present


'Last week members enjoyed an excellent presentation entitled 'Past and Present' given by Hunter Kennedy from Carluke Camera Club.
Hunter displayed photographs which spanned approximately the last 40 years from his days producing prints using chemicals in a darkroom until now when all his work is done with the modern digital process.
The photographs from both eras were inspiring. Throughout the presentation he gave advice on ways to achieve better photographs using his own prints to illustrate this and his approach and methods. This proved very interesting and informative to both beginners and advanced members alike and all can learn from it.
This coming Tuesday (2/2/16) we have the final leg of this years League Competitions. Judge will be our own Dave Thompson. Should time permit we need to select our entry for the 6 Way Scottish Life Competition being hosted this year by Carluke on Friday 4th March.

4 Way Inter club Competition


Last week Lanark hosted the Annual 4 Way Print Competition with Carluke, Hamilton and Motherwell Camera Clubs. The judge for the evening was My Peter Paterson, FRPS. MPAGB. form Edinburgh Photographic Society. The result was a resounding and justified win by Carluke Camera Club who scored a total of 175 points. Hamilton were second with 159 points and Motherwell and Lanark shared third and last place with 149 points each. It was an enjoyable evening shared by members of all clubs and the judge's critique was both interesting and informative.

On Tuesday26th we have a presentation by Hunter Kennedy from Carluke. I'm not exactly sure what Hunter is going to speak on but I can assure you, from past experience, it will be good.

3rd league Hand in and Video Tutorials


'Last week following the hand-in of prints and digital images for the next Internal League Competition members viewed a number of tutorial videos on digital software techniques. These were directed more to newcomers to digital processing and were based mostly on adjustments to contrast and colour balance.

Next Tuesday (19th January) we have visitors from Carluke, Hamiton and Motherwell. Prompt attendance at 7.30pm would be appreciated.

Tuesdays Meeting


'On Tuesday last members were entertained to a number of Audio Visual shows provided by members Dave Thompson, Steve Alexander and Bob Arnott. ...more

Happy New Year 2016


Welcome to Lanark Camera Club's new website. Please note that on Tuesday first we have an Audio Visual Night. Hopefully Steve, Dave and myself will have something interesting to show you. ...more